Milk & Sugar
Video Game Knowledge (Wii & WiiU)
Jules and the family

What are the names of our two ice cream trucks?

What are Birtha and Sally


What was one of the first Wii games Jake (and I) have ever played. There are 5 answers but you only need to name one

What is Super Mario Brothers Wii, Mario Kart Wii, Wii sports, Mario Party 8, and/or Kirby's return to dreamland.


Recently, where did we go on vacation during the school winter break

Where is Florida


What is Julianna's favorite flavor of cake

What is chocolate mousse cake


What are all the games Me, Dad, and Mom play at around 8:30 at night.

Mom and Dad: What is NYTs connections, spelling bee, the daily mini and (optionally) strands.

Jake: What are Word games/ cross-word puzzles


How many premium ice cream flavors do we currently carry on the milk and sugar truck

What is 13


How long does Jake spend thinking about Video Games/movies and his hobbies/interests a day

What is 24 hours/ all day every day


What was Jake promised if he went jet skiing with the family

What is a blue Wii remote


What did I want to be as a kid (multiple answers)

What is a Dentist, Chef, mermaid, fairy princess, and/or Dog groomer/vet


On average, how often does brownie stop during our walks to use the bathroom (both 1 and 2)

What is 4 times (x2 pee and 2x #2)


What are all of the combinations of flavors, toppings, and how they are served that Jake would eat.

What is Chocolate, vanilla, s'mores, cookie dough, and birthday cake. What are chocolate and rainbow sprinkles. And what is a cone/ with a bonus cone

(brownie points if you said cookies, brownies, and waffles)


What is Jake's go to pose/ position when checking the quality of his games

What is Criss-Cross Apple Sauce


What is it called when you get something physically bad on vacation when visiting a tropical island after a few days of wearing a bathing suit 

What are The Jimmys


What clubs did I partake in while in high school (name one)

What is the SADD Club, We Mean Green Club, Craft Club, and the Art club


What are my favorite Mario Characters (2 answers)

Who are Luigi and Toad


two part question: What is it called when someone spills a topping on the floor and who gave it its name

What is sprinkle business created by Jake


What is Jakes Favorite Game

What is he doesn't have one/ it changes daily OR    "I don't know...I like them all. 


What is Jakes favorite part/ activity when going on any vacation

What is the "normal" pool


How long do I spend in the shower

What is 40 minutes in the shower and 10 minutes out of the shower (50 minutes total)

When Santa gave us a dog for Christmas, I named her Brownie. Why did I name her Brownie

Why is because when laying on her back (because she had itchy backy) she looked like a brownie with ice cream and whipped cream on top in my eyes


On our trucks, we typically carry an extra gallon of most of our flavors. Where is the extra vanilla gallon located in Sally

Where is one underneath the strawberry and another underneath the lemon sorbet


How many Wii, WiiU games, and movies/TV show DVDs does Jake own [and yes I counted]

What is 691 with a range of 661-721


How many free water cups did I get from Starbucks while visiting the Bahamas

What is 7 cups


What are the names of these two power-ups in the Mario games *that our family calls them*

What is a Hot Fire and Cold Fire [flowers]


What was the first thing I had ever crocheted

What is a yellow tote bag
