In a way that's comfortable and cozy (U)
In 1958, this toy that is twirled around the hips was created by Wham-O
Hula Hoop
David Schwimmer
Which sibling fell backwards off the top of a high-dive ladder and cracked his head open?
A cloak-like garment for a gorilla
Ape cape
Did Mom invite Dad to the big party she threw the first year in law school?
A subatomic particle with a positive electric charge (R)
In 1955, this quote is added to all paper US currency
"In God We Trust"
David Kelly
At what amusement park did Uncle Max fall into the water and was given a pirate outfit to wear?
Six Flags
An important concert for a band
Big gig
What happened to Kathryn the day Dad had his hips replaced?
In a way that shows excessive satisfaction with oneself (U)
In 1954, Supreme Court rules that racial segregation is unconstitutional in public schools in this unanimous decision
Brown v The Board of Education
"Bend it Like" this British soccer player
David Beckham
Which family member thought Dad was using code when he told the family his new girlfriend's name was ML?
Lazy daisy
In whose wedding was Dad a mustached groomsman?
An early sample of a product built to test a concept (R)
This popular children's television show premieres in 1955 and goes on to launch the careers of Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears
The show that gave us "Ew, David!"
Schitts Creek
How much did Papa Joe weigh when he was born?
Gummi bears that have been dropped on the beach
Sandy candy
How prematurely was Dad born?
8 weeks (born at 32 weeks)
A chemical in the human body that is sometimes called the happy chemical because it contributes to wellbeing and happiness (R)
This 1956 song was the first #1 hit for this famous singer
Born David Robert Jones, this singer is considered to be one of the most influential musicians of the 20th century
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Which family member was given the nickname "Tense"?
What you could get filled at a pharmacy in Cairo
Egyptian prescription
How old is Dad?