What is your number 1 hobby?
Now, ask someone else of your choice their favorite hobby.
When is Thomas S. birthday?
July 4
When is Kaylas birthday?
February 27
What is Jennifer's rap name?
Jens Beats
What is the name of the mini golf place we went to?
Monsters Mini Golf
What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Now, ask someone else of your choice their favorite outdoor activity.
What is the one thing Samantha is very passionate about?
What instrument does Kevin play?
Who loves watching videos of point of views of different countries?
How many total individuals do we have?
19! Name 10!
What is your favorite memory as a kid?
Now, ask someone else of your choice their favorite memory as a kid.
What is Jessica's favorite color?
Who is the youngest?
Who loves Hocus Pocus?
What are you supposed to do when you first arrive at program?
Answer the question of the day!
Speaking of: What's your answer to the question of the day?
What is your dream job?
Now, ask someone else of your choice their dream job.
Who is the rapper of the group?
Who is Bree's favorite singer?
Sabrina Carpenter
What is Maddie's favorite hockey team?
New York Rangers
What 2 things do we have every Monday downstairs that's open?
Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry!
What is your favorite food?
Now, ask someone else of your choice their favorite food.
Who says, "are you kidding me?" the most?
What are the names of staff members that have kids?
Stacey, Tariana & Bree
Wildin' Out
How many staff members do we have here, consistently? Can you list them all?
Mookie, Tariana, Stacey, Kayla, Kevin & Bree