Favorite color.
What is purple?
City & State of Birth.
What is Tucson, Arizona?
Least favorite bug.
What is a stinkbug?
Gold vs. Silver (jewelry)
What is gold?
Years I have had glasses.
What is 14 years?
Favorite animal.
What is elephant?
My horse's name.
What is Yo-Yo?
Least favorite veggie.
What are peas?
Coffee vs. Tea
What is tea?
Bonus points if you specified matcha.
Years I did 4-H.
What is 8 years?
Favorite food (dinner).
What is lasagna?
The international college I seriously considered attending. I even had a video call with an admissions officer.
Least favorite teacher.
Who is Mr. Troja?
Cake vs. Pie
What is pie?
Years I did OBOB.
What is 5 years?
Favorite movie.
What is Shrek?
In 8th grade, the book I got signed with Haven by a favorite author.
What is Nightfall by Shannon Messenger?
Least favorite season.
What is summer?
Penne vs. Rotini
What is Penne?
Years I went to DCC? (Not including the weekend in January that one time)
What is 10 years?
Current favorite candy.
What are Nerd Clusters?
The name I kept naming my chickens, but they kept dying…
Who is “Shy Girl”?
Least favorite chore.
Paper books vs. Audiobooks
What is paper books?
Although, I do love audiobooks for work.
Number of cats I (personally) have had.
What is five cats?
(Poppyseed, Jax & Jinx, Snickers, and Adonis)