Who was that guy who built the really big boat for all the animals?
What did God put in the sky when promising to never again destroy the world with water.
A Rainbow.
This baby brother was sent downriver in a basket by his mother and his sister Miriam.
What did Peter do when Jesus told him to get out of his boat and walk to him on the water?
Peter went to him/almost sank
What was the name of the place where Adam and Eve lived at first?
Garden of Eden
Who was that guy who got swallowed by a whale when he was trying to run away from God?
Jesus's love is like this thing (which we definitely should NOT hide under a bushel).
Jesus told Simon and Andrew that they wouldn't be fishing for fish anymore, but for these.
What did Jesus mean when he gave Peter a name that means "rock"? (hint: It's not because he was dense)
Peter would be the rock on which the church is built.
Each time God finished creating something, God saw it was _________.
Who was that guy who started out persecuting Jesus's followers, but then changed his tune (and his name) after a blinding encounter with God?
Why is a mustard seed used to represent faith?
The tiny seed becomes a giant tree.
How many brothers did Joseph have when he received his coat of many colors?
When Jesus told the disciples he would have to suffer, die, and come back to life Peter tried to argue with him. What did Jesus say to Peter?
"Get behind me Satan"
What did God make people out of?
Who was that kind of short guy who climbed up into a tree so he could see Jesus?
People compare Jesus to two different animals, what are they?
Lion & Lamb
Isaac and Ishmael were both sons of Abraham, they did not share the same mother. Who was Ishmael's mother?
Hagar (Sarah's servant)
Jesus told Peter he would do this three times before the rooster crowed the morning after Jesus' trial.
Deny him.
On the second day God separated what from what?
Sky from Water/ Water above from Water below
Who was that guy who made a giant gold statue of himself (or a giant chocolate bunny for VeggieTales fans)?
King Nebuchadnezzar
Jesus says that even a little bit of this will ruin a whole batch of dough.
This younger brother put goat skins on his arms to disguise himself as his older brother and trick his father into putting him in charge.
Before an angel broke Peter out of prison, why had he been arrested?
Preaching the Gospel