Clouded Judgement
Paper or no paper
You're Covered
Data or Documents
KC Potpourri

Dominate leader in the Cloud Computing Market

What is Amazon Web Services (AWS) 

34% of the market share as of July 2024


A set of guidelines that a law firm uses to manage how long they keep data and how they dispose of it.

What is a retention policy?


A modular managed IT service plan from All Covered that helps small businesses manage their IT infrastructure

What is All Covered Care


A written document that helps your organization before, during, and after a security incident

What is an incident response plan?

All Covered helps its clients form Incident Response Plans


The Chiefs, Royals and Monarchs all played here. 

What is Municipal Stadium?


Cyber-attacks often start by gaining access to one of these common entry points.  

What is an endpoint?


A framework used for naming your files in a specific way.

What is a naming convention?


This Kansas City-based Small Business focuses on Offensive Security Assessments (Pen Tests) to ensure zero false positives, offers severity ratings, and delivers clear, actionable reports with step-by-step exploitation.

What is Depth Security?

Depth Security is a division of All Covered & Konica Minolta 


Connecting two applications so they can communicate with each other

Also the "I" in API.  What is Integration?



July 17th, 1981 Kansas City made history for this event, resulting in over 300 lawsuits totaling roughly $3 billion.  

What is the Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse?  

Still stands as the most tragic structural incident aside from The Twin Towers Collapse on 9/11.  


In 2024 these are the top 2 reasons law firms are upgrading their technologies.

What is AI and Security?


The process of adhering to laws, regulations, standards, and other rules set forth by governments or other regulatory bodies.

What is regulatory compliance?


According to this association's annual Legal Technology Survey Report, 27% of law firms reported experiencing a security breach last year.

What is the American Bar Association?

All Covered offers a no-cost risk evaluation.


Invented a reference numbering system for Legal Documents?

Who is Erwin Bates?


This award winning restaurant that Claud Sparks and Heywood Billings started has been in operation for more than 87 years here in Kansas City.    

What is Town Topic?


Cloud Service Provider with Locations in Virginia, Illinois and Arizona

what is All Covered Cloud


A technology that converts text in images into a machine-readable format.

What is Optical Character Recognition (OCR)?


An organization's ability to maintain or quickly resume its operations after an event that disrupts normal operations.

What is Business Continuity


These tags or keywords are used to identify documents or data in an electronic storage system aka data that provides data about other data.

What is metadata?


This KC theater is one of the last remaining "Atmospheric Theaters" still in operation and also copyrighted a Fragratone system, which funneled fragrances into the auditorium via the ventilation ducts at appropriate moments during films.   

What is the Uptown Theater?


A cloud computing model that provides all cloud resources to a single organization or user.

What is Private Cloud


The process of organizing and storing information so search engines can quickly and accurately return relevant results.

What is search indexing?


A 2015 Konica Minolta trademark specific to the Legal Industry

What is the Lawyers Help Desk


The process of moving documents from one storage system to another.

What is a Document Management Migration 

All Covered has a dedicated DMS team for their Legal clients



This Kansas City shopping center opened in 1923 and is recognized as the first of its kind here in the United States 

What is the Country Club Plaza?

The first outdoor shopping center in the United States.
