What type of vets are James and Siegfried?
What are farm vets.
The Vet James goes to work for.
Seigfried Farnon
When cows give birth.
Mrs. Pumphrey
James' unscientific about fainting said that the smallest people in the room went down at the sight of blood.
False-he said it was the biggest person.
Who is the author of “All Creatures Great and Small?”
The author of “All Creatures Great and Small” is James Herriot
Irresponsible brother of Farnon.
Put it to sleep.
Very poor and lonely famer whose dog has to be put to sleep.
Mr. Dean
Siegfried always listened and followed through on what he said.
False-he was the opposite!
What was the name of the clinic?
Skedale House
The clinic secretary.
Mrs. Harbottle
When a cow doesn't have enough calcium after giving birth.
Milk Fever
Farmer who uses sheep skin to cure his cow's broken pelvis.
Mr. Handshaw
Tristan passed all his vetrinary exams.
What is the genre of "All Creatures Great and Small"?
Vet in neighboring village who James assists a couple of times.
Angus Grier
Clogged teat.
Client who wants James to lie about his cow's cause of death.
James always dreamed of being a farm vet.
False-he loved dogs and cats and thought he wanted to be a vet of small pets.
What does James learn early on in the book about farmers and their expertise?
They were experts with other farmers animlas and their advice was more valuable than the vets.
The housekeeper at Skeldale House.
Procedure Dr. Farnon used to cure the pony of it's hoof infection. James was unsure it was what cured the pony.
Blood letting.
Family who thought vets were useless because they tried to treat the pet at home and called the vet as the last resort when it was too late to do anything to treat them. Their animals always died after a vet came.
The Sidlows
James was fined for drinking past curfew.
False-he left right before the police showed up.