This person is responsible for providing a review of forecast decision and observations for the previous day.
Who is the Forecaster?
This modeled chart displays contours that can be used to forecast for either a trough or ridge.
What is the 500mb chart?
The targeted meeting duration.
What is 20 minutes or less?
The preliminary review of potential exceptional event impacts that results in a 'X', is part of this morning report.
What is Dailies?
The agency is responsible for fire protection in various areas under state responsibility totaling 31 million acres, and produces a map that shows current wildfires.
What is Cal Fire?
Official notification of Public Messaging, News Releases, Web and App Banners, and NWS Air Quality Alerts should all be coordinated with this Team outside of the forecaster meeting.
What is OC?
These are declarations that should be discussed every day, and include topics such as broadcast burning, hazard reduction burning, pile burning, etc.
What are Smoke Program Declarations?
This administration tracks current hazards, provides a detailed 7 day forecast, and works closely with the District when declaring an Air Quality Alert.
What is the National Weather Service?
This person should be consulted with before the forecaster debrief when there is a special or irregular scenario.
Who is the Supervisor?
This tool is for documenting suggestions for new and updated team resources.
What is the STAR Chart?
This system serves as an interface between air quality managers, land management agencies, and individuals that conduct prescribed burning in California and should be used to share information about Rx Burns in the SJV.
What is PFIRS?
This type of scenario requires additional forecasting models/products/resources that can be used for training purposes
What is a special case scenario?