Context Clues
Jumping to Inferences
Literary Elements
Essays are Easy
All Souped Up
When looking at the positive, neutral or negative feeling of a word we are looking at THIS type of meaning.
What is connotative meaning.
We combine these two elements in order to make an inference.
What is text evidence and background knowledge.
The author's attitude towards a topic.
What is Tone.
SEE stands for this in a paragraph:
What is Statement, Evidence, Explanation.
This is what the text is mainly or mostly about.
What is central idea.
When we look at the literal understanding of a word we are looking at THIS meaning.
What is denotative meaning
Read the passage: "Nico!" Erin shouted at the top of her lungs as she bounded through the meadow, "Come back, Nico!" She was nearly out of breath but she kept running through the tall grass. "Nico, come on, boy! It's time to go home!" Erin continued shouting, her voice hoarse from shouting similar expressions all day. Then she stumbled over the leash that she was carrying, "Whoa... Come on Nico!" Erin shouted, regaining her balance. We can INFER that Erin has been "shouting similar expressions all day" because of this reason. Cite evidence!
What is Erin lost her dog Nico and has been looking for him all day, shouting in search for him. (examples of evidence: "Come on boy!" "stumbled over the leash" "her voice hoarse")
The atmosphere or the reader's feelings as they read a topic.
What is Mood?
In order to support you inference/explanation you must include this in your response.
What is at least two pieces of textual evidence.
This is the life lesson of a story or text.
What is the Theme.
Use context clues to define the word ERRATIC: She was so ERRATIC that she would be in a great mood one minute and crying the next. You never could predict the way she’d act.
What is unpredictable.
Read the following passage: Boo was about six-and-a-half feet tall, judging from his tracks; he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could catch, that's why his hands were bloodstained-if you ate any animal raw, you could never wash the blood off. There was a long jagged scar that ran across his face.... Based on the character's description we can infer THIS about Boo.
What is that is he is not civilized, he doesn't have much money...
This part of the plot (think: story mountain) includes the events LEADING up to the main problem or conflict.
What is rising action.
When a prompt asks you to compare and contrast text STRUCTURES they mean this.
What is how the text is organized.
These are three types of text structures we may come across:
What is cause and effect, compare and contrast, problem-solution, sequence, description, order-sequence.
This type of word or group of words has the opposite meaning of the unknown word and can sometimes be found in the same or surrounding sentence.
What is an antonym.
Read the following passage: Next morning I awoke, looked out the window and nearly died of fright. "The world's ending, Atticus! Please do something-!" I dragged him to the window and pointed. "No it's not," he said. "It's snowing." Based on the characters' dialogue we can infer THIS about the speaker.
What is she has never seen snow before.
This type of figurative language is exaggeration for effect and is not meant to be taken literally.
What is hyperbole?
According to the short response rubric this description will score this number: -I answer some parts of the question, or I did not make an inference. -I give some details to support my answer, but not enough. -My details somewhat prove my answer. -I do not answer in complete sentences. -There are some spelling mistakes, but my answer is still readable.
What is a 1.
This type of text structure shows the similarities and differences between two events.
What is compare/contrast.
Use context clues to define the word FORLORN: My friend was so FORLORN when her dog died that she cried for a week.
What is brokenhearted (depressed, hopeless, sad).
Read the following passage: Video gaming is one of the largest industries in America. Each day more and more children are getting addicted to video games. There have been many video game opponents accusing the industry of becoming too violent. It is not uncommon to play a shoot 'em up game where ten people are getting killed every minute. Yet, despite pressures of society to eliminate violent video games, as each day passes, more gamers are getting hooked. We can draw THIS conclusion about the video gaming industry and children.
What is that more and more children will play video games.
"The Sun smiled at us" is an example of this type of figurative language.
What is personification.
When writing an argument essay it is first and foremost important to do THIS in your concluding statement.
What is Restate the claim.
When deciding between two similar multiple choice questions we must do this.
What is return to the text for a close read.