These people hold the 4 senate cabinet positions.
Who are
Quincy Bashore - President
Sterling Simek - Vice President
Christina Magers - Secretary
Miriam Hagg - Chaplin
These two people star in the JWHC pancake breakfast meme each year.
Who is Dr. Riggs and Dr. Hawkins?
The day of the President’s Author Series event this year
When is Wednesday Oct. 20th @ 6:00 pm?
This prof. is known for their long luscious locks.
Who is Dr. Riggs?
These people hold the 4 committee chair positions.
Who are...
Miriam Hagg - Spiritual
Simon Falconer - Academic
Emily Bays - Service
Alex Velasquez - Social
This meme references _________.
What is Truth?
The 4 JWHC committees.
What is the Spiritual Committee, Academic Committee, Service Committee, and Social Committee?
One thing this prof. is known for is their incredible fashion sense.
Who is Dr. KG?
This person helps give the JWHC a voice in the larger IWU community.
Who is Sarah Abell, SGA rep?
This meme references__________?
What is “Foundations of Christian Traditions”?
Coram Deo Services are __________ this year.
When is Wednesday during the Chapel Hour?
One of the things this prof. is known for is hiding hyperlinks in their emails.
Who is Dr. Jeff Tabone?
The current number of senators on the JWHC senate.
What is 8?
This meme references__________.
What is Wisdom, Culture, Justice I?
What is Dr. Stasson’s class?
The people eligible to join the JWHC senate.
Who is ALL JWHC members?
This prof was on the ballot for professor of the year last year
Who is Dr. Hawkins?