I was a fisherman, but dropped my nets when I was called by Jesus to follow Him. I later became the first pope.
St. Peter
The Sunday before Easter Sunday is known as _______ Sunday
Jesus instituted the Eucharist on which Jewish holiday?
A flat metal container used to carry communion to the sick.
I spent many years leading a wild lifestyle before my conversion. I later became a Doctor of the Church.
St. Augustine
Also known as the Lord's Passion, this is the day in which Catholics reflect on the suffering and death of Jesus Christ
Good Friday
The word “Eucharist” comes from the Greek word eucharistia which means?
To give thanks
Holds the hosts distributed at communion.
I was a lawyer and husband who achieved great success and fame, but resigned at the height of my career in opposition to heresy.
St. Thomas More
Forty days after Easter Sunday is known as _______ Thursday
What does “transubstantiation” mean?
Change of the substance of bread and wine into the substance of Christ’s body and blood
A room where vestments, church furnishings and sacred vessels are kept.
I am known as the Apostle to the Gentiles. After years of persecuting Christians, I became a Christian on the road to Damascus.
St. Paul
On which day is the Solemnity of St. Peter and St. Paul commemorated?
June 29th
To be considered sacramentally valid, wine used at Mass must be pure and natural, and made from?
Any ripe grapes
A linen cloth used to clean the vessels used during communion.
Though I was a princess, I built a hospital at the foot of my castle and cared for the poor myself.
St. Elizabeth of Hungary
What is the Feast day of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (proper name for full points)
The solemnity of Corpus Christi
What is the purpose of receiving the Eucharist or Holy Communion?
The first purpose of receiving the Eucharist is to unite each of us to God.
A square piece of cloth that the priest places beneath the chalice and bread during Mass to collect crumbs or spills.