Human Body
Fun Facts
Fun facts about Kaden!

What is the largest bone in the human body?

Femur-The femur is the longest, strongest bone in your body. It plays an important role in how you stand, move and keep your balance 


What does "Eat the Rainbow" mean? 

Eat fruits and vegetables of different colors to get a good variety each day! 

This way you can get many different nutrients from the foods you eat. 


Is an Avocado a fruit or vegetable?

It is a fruit.  Avocados are a good source of fiber, and contain more fat (the good kind)than carbohydrate, so are popular on lower-carbohydrate diets such as with diabetes.  Avocados are especially rich in niacin, which can flight inflamation in the body and protect your arteries by improving cholesterol and triglyceride levels. 


What is the only fruit with seeds on the outside?

Strawberry-Strawberries-Strawberries are the only fruit that wear their seeds on the outside. The average berry is adorned with some 200 of them. No wonder it only takes one bite to get seeds stuck in your teeth.


Where did Kaden go to College? 

University of Wisconsin Stevens Point! 


What organ/organs can a human body live without for both male and female?

1.Spleen-This organ sits on the left side of the abdomen, towards the back under the ribs. It is most commonly removed as a result of injury.

2.Stomach-The stomach performs four main functions: mechanical digestion by contracting to smash up food, chemical digestion by releasing acid to help chemically break up food, and then absorption and secretion. The stomach is sometimes surgically removed as a result of cancer or trauma.

3.Reproductive organs-The primary reproductive organs in the male and female are the testes and ovaries, respectively. These structures are paired and people can still have children with only one functioning.

4.Colon-The colon (or large intestine) is a tube that is about six-feet in length and has four named parts: ascending, transverse, descending and sigmoid. The primary functions are to resorb water and prepare faeces by compacting it together.

5.Gallbladder-The gallbladder sits under the liver on the upper-right side of the abdomen, just under the ribs. It stores something called bile. Bile is constantly produced by the liver to help break down fats, but when not needed in digestion, it is stored in the gallbladder.

Appendix-The appendix is a small blind-ended worm-like structure at the junction of the large and the small bowel.

6. Kidneys-Most people have two kidneys, but you can survive with just one – or even none (with the aid of dialysis). The role of the kidneys is to filter the blood to maintain water and electrolyte balance, as well as the acid-base balance.


Roughly how many servings of fruits and vegetables do you need each day?


The number of servings you need each day from each food group depends on your calorie needs. 


Rice Krispies cereal has three mascots – what are their names?

The cartoon mascots for Rice Krispies cereal are named Snap, Crackle, and Pop. They were first introduced in 1933.


What food never goes bad?


What is the one food that never spoils?

Honey-Honey has been called the only food that truly lasts forever, thanks to its magical chemistry and the handiwork of bees. The nectar from flowers mixes with enzymes inside the bees that extract it, which changes the nectar's composition and breaks it down into simple sugars that are deposited into honeycombs.


What is Kaden's fiancé's name?  



What's is the largest organ?

The Skin-

What is the definition of the skin?

Skin-The skin is the largest organ in the body and covers the body's entire external surface. It is made up of three layers, the epidermis, dermis, and the hypodermis, all three of which vary significantly in their anatomy and function.


How many types of fats are there? 

There are 4!

monounsaturated fats.

polyunsaturated fats.

saturated fats.

trans fats.


What state is credited for being the birthplace of the cheeseburger?

What is Colorado.  The first cheeseburger is credited to Louis E. Ballast, the owner of the Humpty Dumpty Barrel restaurant in Denver, which is also dubbed “Colorado’s first drive-in.” It was first served in 1935.


Which two spices are the most popular in the world?

The two top-selling spices worldwide are pepper and mustard. If you guessed “salt,” you would be wrong because salt is not technically a spice, it’s a mineral.


What was Kaden's Summer job? 

Duck Driver! 


How many bones are in the adult human body?

206 bones-The adult human skeleton is made up of 206 bones. These include the bones of the skull, spine (vertebrae), ribs, arms and legs. Bones are made of connective tissue reinforced with calcium and specialised bone cells. Most bones also contain bone marrow, where blood cells are made.


 What are the six classes of nutrients required for the body to function and maintain overall health?

Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, vitamins, and minerals.-These basic functions allow us to detect and respond to environmental surroundings, move, excrete wastes, breathe, grow, and reproduce. 


What type of food is the most frequently ordered item in the USA?

Chicken Fingers and Fries. According to one of the United State’s most popular food delivery services, the number one ordered food item in 2021 was chicken fingers and fries.


What is the only US State where coffee beans are grown?

THE ALOHA STATE-For one, Hawaii is the only state in the United States that grows coffee. This makes it possible to explore Hawaii's coffee along every part of its journey — from bean to cup. In today's import/export market, this is a rare treat.


What sport did Kaden play in High School? 



How many parts are there to the brain?

Three-The brain can be divided into three basic units: the forebrain, the midbrain, and the hindbrain. The hindbrain includes the upper part of the spinal cord, the brain stem, and a wrinkled ball of tissue called the cerebellum. The hindbrain controls the body's vital functions such as respiration and heart rate


What is the primary function of carbohydrates? 

To provide energy! 

Good sources of carbs are... fruits, vegetables, oats, grains and many more! 


Raspberries are a part of what family? 

The Rose family! 

Just like roses, raspberries have thorns! 


What fruit or vegetable is made up of about 95-96% water? 

A cucumber! 

Cucumbers are made up of more water than a watermelon! 


What is Kaden's least favorite way to exercise? 

