How many levels of care do we offer at Belmont Village Lincoln Park?
Houston, Texas
What are the names of the latest two managers who have been hired at Belmont Village Lincoln Park?
Patricia Clark and Eric Hernandez
How many animals reside at Belmont Village Lincoln Park?
5 (1 Dog and 4 Cats)
What is the name of the CEO and Founder of Belmont Village Senior Living?
Patricia Will
What does PAL stand for?
Personal Assistant Liaison
How many residents at Belmont Village Lincoln Park are over the age of 100? Who are they?
Cleo Keller
Kay Resis
Hasmick Rich
In which countries does Belmont Village Senior Living have communites?
USA and Mexico
Michele Helffrich
Luis Leanos
Kelsey Motto
How many married couples live here at Belmont Village Lincoln Park?
(Deutsch, Smith, Scannicchio, Weinberg, Wier)
How many Belmont Village Senior Living Locations are in Illinois?
HealthPro Heritage is the therapy company that Belmont Village Lincoln Park works with in our Fitness Room. What is the name of the manager of the Therapy Department?
Jill Hersh
Who are the current sitting President and Vice President of the Resident Council?
John Deutsch & Ross Robbins
How many family members has Patricia Will moved into Belmont Village Senior Living?
(Mother, Father, and Father-In-Law)
Which Belmont Employee has the longest tenure with the company at a whopping 20 years as both a PAL, EL, and Senior EL?
Andrea Guyton