This person started Telecare 12 years ago on 2/19
Who is Michelle
These people can help provide the voucher type for assigned to the unit.
Who are the PM, Rudy, county, housing authority, RCSC ?
This form is what is used when there are ANY changes to the PAF?
What is a KET?
Beside Whitney Houston, who was the other person to score a hit song with " I will Always love You".
Who is Dolly Parton?
The newest housing site for HF Central
What is Pelican Harbor?
Who are Rosa, Hao and Natalia
Property Management Company, HSS, Housing Authority, Emergency Contact
What are the mandatory ROIS needed for members?
This form needs to be completed at enrollment and quarterly to measure safety and risk.
What is the risk screening?
The first movie that paired Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan Together
What is Joe vs The Volcano
The oldest site for Home First Central
What is Casa Querencia ?
This person started at Treehouse before they came to Home First Central.
Who is Jeannette.
This form tracks the past housing behaviors and develops goals while they are enrolled with Home First.
What is the Housing stability screen?
The original form is given to the member and we scan in the copy.
What is My Safety Plan?
in Roman Mythology- Cupid is the son of who?
Who is Venus?
The county liaison assigned at each housing site.
What is a RCSC?
This staff gets to celebrate their birthday every year with a fun training.
This form is used to get a baseline of members history and is based on their age- TAY, Adult or Older Adult.
What is a PAF ?
This is a new statewide Medi-Cal benefit available to eligible members with complex needs-
What is ECM?
This website debuted on Valetine's day 2005
What is YouTube?
They are at Mesa Vista, Casa Q, Archways and Legacy.
Who is Mercy House?
The time to announce when you will be doing an enrollment
What is morning meeting?
This is the universal method to determine the ability to pay.
What is the statement of understanding?
This state produces most of America's roses?
What is California
The property management company at Alegre
What is Cirrus