What do animals need to drink to survive?
What body coverings do birds have?
How do dogs move?
walk or run
What do fish use to swim?
Where do fish live?
In the water
What do animals need to eat to stay strong?
What body coverings do fish have?
How do snakes move?
What do birds use to fly?
their wings
Where do sheep live?
on land
What do animals need to keep them safe from bad weather and predators?
What body coverings does a turtle have?
A shell
How do birds move in the air?
They fly
What do humans use to walk
What is a habitat, and why are animals in certain habitats?
Home for animals based off of their physical characteristics
Why do animals need space?
to move around
What body covering does does a dog have?
How do fish move?
They swim
What do monkeys use to swing from one branch to another?
Their tail
Some animals can live in more than one place, where do turtles live?
In water and on land
Why do animals need air?
to breathe
What body covering do we have?
Some animals move in different ways, what are the two different ways a frog moves?
They jump and swim!
Which body part helps kangaroos jump high?
Their legs
What is the largest habitat for animals?
The ocean!