The fear of crossing paths with this dark animal stems from the Middle Ages where they were known for carrying the plague.
The black cat
whiskers, pink nose
What is another name for Halloween?
All Hallows Eve
These colors are associated with Halloween.
Orange and black
Blind animal that flies at night.
A bat
This day is considered to be unlucky
Friday the 13th
plastic fangs, black cape, fake blood
What is orange, has a stem and glows at night.
Jack O Lantern
This Halloween symbol also comes in white or green.
A pumpkin
This monster was created as a science experiment.
This animal’s body part is said to bring good luck
A rabbit's foot
white face paint, red nose, colorful wig, funny shoes
What do people bob for on Halloween?
Michael Jackson hit often associated with Halloween
Name one way to kill a vampire
Use: garlic, a silver bullet or stake in the heart.
Breaking a mirror is said to give you this many years of bad luck
Seven years
broom, pointy hat, pointy nose
Halloween originated from this country
These are the two most popular Halloween costumes.
Witch and Vampire
What is the name of a witches pot?
A cauldron
Opening this in the house is said to bring bad luck
An umbrella
eye patch, peg leg, beard
What happens on Goosey Night?
Teenagers play pranks on people.
Ghosts serve this for dessert.
"I scream"
What famous magician died on Halloween, 1926?
Harry Houdini