Super Bowl
New Year's
How a city is chosen to host the Super Bowl ...a) Warm weather in Feb or indoor stadium ...b) The team with the highest winning record ...c) Alphabetically by the name of the team
What is warm weather in Feb or an indoor stadium? Teams also bid! In 2007, Texas offered $1 million to the NFL
An odd tradition for good luck in new year ...a) Wear red underwear ...b) Stuff a doll with bad memories from past year & burn it at midnight ...c) Both
What is both?
Civil Rights activist. Promoted peaceful demonstrations. Had a dream. ...a) Rosa Parks ...b) Nelson Mandela ...c) Martin Luther King
Who is Martin Luther King?
This symbol of American immigration opened in 1892. ...a) Golden Gate Bridge ...b) Ellis Island ....c) Gateway Arch
What is Ellis Island? Over 20 million immigrants were processed on Ellis Island before it closed in Nov, 1954.
Name of a long wooden sled shaped like the letter J ...a) tobbogan ...b) flexible flyer ...c) luge
What is the tobbogan? Anyone with health insurance and a warm coat can enjoy this type of sled.
Why Roman numerals are used to refer to Super Bowls ...a) So the game seems more prestigious ...b) So the world doesn’t forget how to use Roman numerals ...c) The championship is played in a different year than the regular season
What is the championship is played in a different year than the regular season?
The most common New Year’s resolution: ...a) Quit smoking ...b) Lose weight ...c) Exercise more
What is lose weight?
Billionaire, talk show host, philanthropist, promotes women’s rights, & may run for president ...a) Hilary Clinton ...b) Opera Winfrey ...c) Ellen DeGeneres
Who is Opera Winfrey?
In 1986, this event made headlines around the world. ...a) OJ Simpson was acquitted of murders ...b) The Watergate scandal ...c) The Challenger disaster
What is the Space Shuttle Challenger? It exploded 73 seconds after takeoff, killing all on board, including school teacher Christa McAuliffe. Watergate was in the early 70's. OJ Simpson's trial was in 1995.
This smart and persistent critter, who frequently raids bird feeders and any other potential food source, has his own appreciation day in January. ...a) Rat ...b) Raccoon ...c) Squirrel
What are squirrels? January 21st is National Squirrel Appreciation Day.
The cost of a 30-second commercial in last year’s Super Bowl ...a) $5 million ...b) $1 million ...c) $500,000
What is $5 million? Worth the price to have 172 million viewers!? But viewership is down 5% due to controversies like kneeling for the national anthem and repeated concussions
What "auld lang syne" means ...a) For good luck ...b) For a long life ...c) For old time’s sake
What is “for old time’s sake”
He signed the Declaration of Independence, wrote Poor Richard’s Almanac, & is on the $100 bill ...a) Thomas Jefferson ...b) Abraham Lincoln ...c) Benjamin Franklin
Who is Ben Franklin?
This transatlantic service began in 1927 between New York and London ...a) Telephone ...b) Telegraph ...c) Cruise liner
What is Telephone service? Transatlantic telegraph was achieved in 1858. First cruise liner was in 1838.
A medical condition that can develop after prolonged exposure to cold ...a) hypothermia ...b) common cold ...c) pneumonia
What is hypothermia?
Why the Super Bowl is now in Feb rather than Jan ...a) Opportunity for more commercials ...b) Games were added to regular & post season ...c) Shows have higher ratings in Feb
What is “games were added to regular & post season”
The origin of the ball drop on New Year’s Eve in Time Square ...a) To coordinate attacking armies in European wars ...b) To help ship captains set their chronometers at noon ...c) It’s always been to announce the New Year
What is to help ship captains set their chronometers? This helped them navigate at sea.
American singer & actor, drafted into the Army, died of drug overdose ...a) Ronald Reagan ...b) Elvis Presley ...c) Willie Nelson
Who is Elvis Presley?
This state was admitted to the US in 1896 ...a) Hawaii ...b) Virginia ...c) Utah
What is Utah?
The amount of accumulated snow that equals 1 inch of water ...a) 5 inches ...b) 10 inches ...c) 12 inches
What is 10 inches? But it varies some with air temperature.
There are 120 of these available for Super Bowl games ...a) Caps with team names on them ...b) Penalty flags ...c) Footballs
What are footballs? 108 game balls and 12 kicker balls are available.
All of the following have been lowered (dropped) on New Year’s Eve, EXCEPT ...a) A 25 pound carp (fish) named Lucky ...b) A stuffed possum named Spencer ...c) A 10-foot long rainbow named Sunshine
What is the 10-foot rainbow named Sunshine? The stuffed possum named Spencer is lowered in Tallapoosa, GA. And the carp is lowered onto a throne in Wisconsin.
Actress & comedienne, one of the “Golden Girls”, dubbed First Lady of Game Shows, recently in commercials for Snickers bars. ...a) Betty White ...b) Mary Tyler Moore ...c) Carol Burnett
Who is Betty White?
26 countries signed this in 1942, pledging that their governments would continue fighting together against the Axis Powers ...a) Declaration against North Korea ...b) Declaration by United Nations ...c) Declaration of War in Vietnam
What is the Declaration by United Nations? This set the basis for the current United Nations, formally founded in 1945.
Chionophobia is a fear of _________________ ...a) Snow ...b) Skiing ...c) Spiders
What is a fear of snow?