Where was Jesus born?
Where is Bethlehem
Where was Jesus raised after they returned from Egypt?
Nazareth (Matthew 2 : 22 - 24)
Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem for a census, or a government count of all the people. When the inn had no room for them, where did they stay?
A stable or a manger
Where did the wise men come from
The east
Who was the father of John the Baptist?
Why did Joseph and Mary give the baby the name Jesus?
They were instructed to by an angel
Which angel appeared to Mary?
Gabriel (Luke 1:26)
The night Jesus was born, God placed a star in the sky that shone brighter than all the rest. Who saw the star from far away and followed it to bring gifts to a baby king?
The wise men
What are the three gifts which are mentioned being given by the wise men?
Gold, frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11)
How were Mary (Mother of Jesus) and Elizabeth (Mother of John the Baptist) related?
They were cousins
How did the shepherds who visited Baby Jesus know where to find Him?
An angel of the Lord told them.
Who was the king of Judaea at the time of the birth of Jesus?
One year when Jesus and his family went to Jerusalem for Passover, Jesus stayed behind in the Temple and his parents could not find him for 3 days. How old was Jesus then?
Which people ruled over Israel when Jesus was born?
Who are the Romans
What is the name of the city that is sometimes called 'The City of David'?
How did the Magi (wise men) who visited Baby Jesus know where to find Him?
They followed a star in the east.
Who was promised that he would not see death, before he had seen the Lord's Christ?
Simeon (Luke 2 : 25-26)
Who told Mary and Joseph to go to Bethlehem?
Caesar Augustus. He ordered the people to go back to the city of their forefathers. Joseph’s family was from Bethlehem. Luke 2:1
When the shepherds went looking for Jesus, what was the sign they were to look for ?
A baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. (Luke 2: 12)
What group of people did the heavenly host of angels appear to and tell them about the birth of Jesus?
The Shepherds
Why did Joseph take Mary and Baby Jesus to Egypt?
To escape from King Herod, who wanted to kill Jesus.
Who was the father of Joseph the husband of Mary?
Jacob (Matt 1: 16)
Which Old Testament prophet had the most to say about the birth of Christ?
Another special person was at the temple when Jesus was brought there as a baby. Which one of these ladies was a prophetess that sang praise to God for seeing baby Jesus
Who is Anna (Luke 2 : 36 - 38)
What did John the Baptist do in Elizabeth's womb when he heard of Jesus?
He leaped