This is the invisible line that protects your personal space and feelings from being crossed by others.
Personal Boundaries
In this subject, you might have to open up a book to learn stories about characters and practice your spelling.
What is the conversation level during group?
Orchard School is located in this city...
This person is the Assistant Principal of Orchard School
Ms. Cheney
This person is someone you can go to when you feel unsafe.
A trusted adult (Parent/school staff/police, etc)
What is your movement level?
Remain in your seat unless given an instruction, etc.
Students have the opportunity to work with, care for, and socialize with all of the animals in this space.
The Farm
This person is your homeroom teacher
Mr. Casey
When someone croses your personal boundary, this is what you can say....
"STOP", "I don't like that", etc (any answer would do).
In this class you learn about rhythms, melodies, and maybe even play an instrument
How can you help our group be successful?
Listening to one another, being safe and respectful, etc.
This is the name of our School
Orchard School
This person is your TA (Teacher's Assistant)
Ms. Brown
This game allows you to act out emotions like happy, sad, or surprised while others guess.
Emotion Charades
This is the subject where you play Games, exercise, and learn about teamwork and fitness.
GYM / Rec
How can you participate?
Listening, raising a quiet hand, etc.
During a Holiday party last year, this grumpy character came out to destroy Christmas cheer.
The Grinch
These two people facilitate group with you almost every Thursday of the school year.
Dr. Gabi & Dr. Kristal
This safety rule requires you to hug yourself to show that we deserve to have our bodies and our personal boundaries respected.
"It's My Body"
This is the part of the day when you eat, talk with friends, and refuel your energy.
What are some behaviors that would prevent you from going to the CHAMP store?
Aggressive behavior (hitting, biting, hurting others and yourself), Unsafe behaviors (walking out of program unsafely), etc.
This is the place where students go when they get to work on their senses (sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste).
The sensory Barn
This person is the gym coach.
Coach Mike