For a device to work, you must do this daily or almost every day.
What are 2 things you should keep away from your devices?
What is food and water?
How do you walk down the hallway with your device?
What is closed and hugging it?
If you don't feel good, who can help you? 1 or 2 people
Who is Ms. Noreen or Nurse Ellen?
What were the earliest computers only able to do?
What is math or mathematics?
How do you carry your device in the classroom and hallway?
What is closed and hug it?
Is your device open and on during my instructions?
What is no?
Who's the Boss at Prairie View? He also helps all of you.
Who is Mr. Hansen?
What are the 2 components that make a computer?
What is hardware and software?
What are 3 things you should never tell someone online, even if you think you know them?
What is your name, address, phone number, school, or password?
What grade do you have to keep your device until?
What is 6th grade?
When you go to the library who are the 2 adults to help you?
Who is Mrs. Wittenburg and Mrs. Huerter?
What is computer hardware? Give 1 example.
What is any physical part of the computer? Mouse, keyboard, monitor/screen, and internal devices.
What should you do if you want to add a new app to your device?
What is asking for permission?
Where is my office?
What is the project room? What is next to Mrs. Reittinger's secret door?
If you are sad, anxious, worried, or nervous who can help you besides your teacher?
Who is Mrs. Neira and Apsen?
What is computer software? Give 1 example.
What is a collection of code installed on a computer harddrive? Internet, calculator, and games.
What if something doesn't feel right online?
What is stop, walk away, and tell a trusted adult?
Do you need to write you name on the note or just write what is wrong with it?
What is wrong with it?
What is the Prairie View Promise?
What is at Prairie View we promise to show respect to people and property, always be safe, be a responsible team player, and do our personal best?