True or False
Alli or Croco
Home Sweet Home

SW Florida is the only place in the world where Amercian Alligators and American Crocodiles exist together.

What is a True? About 2000 American Crocodiles and over 2 million American Alligators live in Florida.

Crocodilians don't chew their food, they swallow their food ____________.

What is whole? They are capable of digesting everything they swallow including bones and cartilidge.

My snout is U shaped and has massive crushing power.

What is an Alligator? The Crocodile's snout is tapered and V shaped.

The male alligator bellows and creates this to attract females for mating.

What are vibrations? Known as the "water dance" it has low frequency, however, territorial bellows can most certainly be heard.

These are conical for grabbing and holding.

What are teeth? With 74-80 teeth in their mouth at time, crocodilians may go through 3000 teeth in their lifetime.

Gator holes are wetland ecosystems in miniature that give homes to other species.

What is True? Known as a Keystone Species, alligators use their strong tails and claws to create these to survive dry periods.

Alligators and Crocodiles are herbivores, carnivores or omnivores?

What is carnivores? They are opportunistic feeders and eat any type of meat, alive or dead.

I am light tan to brownish in color.

What is a crocodile? The alligator is darker and blackish in color.

The sexually mature female alligator(average 6 feet long and 10-12 years old), builds her nest during what time of year?

What is spring? Nests are located in marshy areas and shoreline. Finished nest is 3 1/2 ft. high and composed of mud, sticks & vegetation.

These organs function as a sensory role to detect pressure changes and vibrations, as well as, possibly salinity in crocodiles.

What are Integumentary Senory Organs? They are located on the scales and look like small dots. Alligators possess these but only on their head area, crocodiles have them all over, including their belly.

The southern Everglades based alligator grows faster than those in more temperate regions like North Florida.

What is False? Their diet is based on smaller invertebrates causing slower growth. Average size is 13 feet and around 600 pounds.

Crocodilians eat fish, small mammals, small alligators and a. turtles b. snails c. frogs or d. all of the above?

What are all of the above? Turtles, snails and frogs - except for the hitchikers!

The easiest way to tell the difference between a crocodile and alligator is this.

What is the teeth showing outside jaw? Both gators and crocs have jaws that hinge from the bottom, and the top jaw is an extension of the skull.

The average number of eggs the female crocodilian will lay is 35-50, but only about 15-20 of these will emerge.

What are hatchlings? The eggs incubate for about 65 days. Females fiercely guard their nests against raccoons and other invaders.

Only found working in the crocodile, these glands are located in the mouth and secrete salt to enable toleration of salt water environments.

What are Lingual Salt Glands? Alligators have non-working lingual glands and are unable to survive in salt water for extended periods of time.
Alligators have a jaw strength of up to 3000 pounds per square inch (psi).
What is True? Add this to their spinning maneuver the "death roll", and you can see why crocodilians are very sucessful predators.

This snail is an Everglades Alligator's primary source of food.

What is the apple snail?

Relocation is often unsuccessful because this reptile can, and usually does, return to it's capture site.

What is a crocodile? In early 2009, FWC used temporary magnets to disrupt the "homing" ability with inconclusive results.

Hatchlings stay in groups near their birthplace for several years called this.

What is a pod? A group of adult alligators is called "a congregation".

Like wearing swim goggles, these are transparent and give underwater protection to the eye.

What is the nictitating membrane? It's actually a third eyelid that closes from the side and many reptiles, birds and mammals also posses this.

A nest temperature of 86 degrees will produce mostly male alligators.

What is False? 93 degrees and above for males, and 86 degrees and below for females.

Crocodilians are predators - they lurk and wait for prey, and feed when, during the day or night?

What is night? They are nocturnal feeders and will sleep intermittently during the day.
This reptile has a small remant population in Florida, but range includes Caribbean, South and Central America.
What is the American Crocodile? It's the Saltwater Crocodile that lives in Austrailia, Asia and India.

The biggest threat to the alligator and crocodile populations is this.

What is habitat destruction? In 1967, alligators were on the endangered species list. Successful efforts have restored the population only 20 years later.

This is a valve in the throat that closes and enables the crocodilian to capture prey in the water without injesting water.

What is the palatal valve? It seals the opening to the throat preventing water from entering when submerged and this picture shows it closed.