True or False: Two members of your party have a familiar.
What is the term used to refer to the chosen warrior of a particular god or goddess?
Other than Ellyrius, who were the two master monks that Scirocco learned under at the House of Equinox?
Scorpio and Tardubol
What are the two main categories of trees?
Deciduous and Coniferous
Who wrote the Epilogue of The Legend of the Sea Needle: Part 1?
Arthur Newgate
What is the material component needed to cast the spell Detect Thoughts?
One copper piece
Who are the three highest celestials that serve under Lueos?
Lolth, Cnidaria Prime, & Omenater
Who was Bob’n’s captain on The Lucky Clover?
(Crazy) Kellie
What are the three categories of rock?
Sedimentary, Metamorphic, Igneous
Which Prith nation is attributed with creating the cream puff?
"A pinch of dried carrot" can be used for the material component of what spell?
Who are the “original five”; the deities that existed before all other life?
Lueos, Hadar, Knoloch, Queue, & Dliwyef
Including Ballista, how many Oozeforged are currently active?
What is the shape and element of a copper dragon’s breath weapon?
Line and Acid
What is the name of the influential tiefling who won Musician of the Year in 762?
Dorvari Euphoria
How many motes of light are created when casting Crown of Stars at 7th Level?
There are four classes that do not have deities representing them in the Mortal Pantheon. Name two of them. (Homebrew excluded)
Cleric, Paladin, Druid, or Monk
What was the name of the navigator that Stars learned the trade from?
How many different types of eye rays does an average beholder have?
Which nation was the first to discover hemocraft and establish the first official order of Blood Hunters?
Name one of the three races that has a form of magical resistance.
Deep Gnome, Satyr, or Yuan-Ti
Who is the deity of comedy, tragedy, and stories?
Including whelps, how many lycans can belong to Arthur’s order at once?
What form of therianthropy is unique to goliaths from Novyymir?
Polar Were-bears
The holy kingdom of Geoshia is the ancestral home of which race of people?
The Earth Genasi