In this stage, I do not think any changes need to be made to my behavior
Physical, psychological, and emotional limits we place to protect ourselves from being used, manipulated, or violated by others.
The rates of heart disease, stroke, HIV, Hepatitis, and mental disorders move in this direction when addiction is also present
Increase, go up, or get worse
Making this type of list can assist us in decision making by highlighting the positives and negatives of a given choice.
Pros and Cons list, and or payoff matrix
identifying triggers and warning signs and then developing specific coping strategies
In this stage, I'm considering making a change in my behavior but am not ready to act on that change
Name 2 healthy boundaries to place when forming a new relationship with someone.
Open-Ended Question
This organ is highly impacted by substance use and will change how it functions over time if our use continues.
Healthy activities I do for myself because they make me feel good, energized, or calm.
Self-Care Activities
Despite being one of the most well-known and well-respected US historical figures, this 16th president of the US was known to struggle with a mood disorder
Abraham Lincoln
In this stage, I have decided to change my behavior and am making a plan on how I will change it.
The most important relationship you will ever have with anyone in your entire life is with what person?
This neurotransmitter(s) is closely linked to the mind's reward system and is commonly associated with pleasure and reinforcement.
Dopamine and or Serotonin
Past difficult life events, distressing experiences, and memories that impact how we think and act.
(HINT: Big-T / little-t)
This legendary Dutch painter, known for "Starry Night," grappled with mental health issues, even to the point where he knowingly cut off part of his own ear
Vincent van Gogh
In this stage, I am implementing the plan I made to change my behavior
The healthy ability to understand the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of another.
This area of the human brain is associated with decision-making and impulse control, and is strongly impacted by addiction and intoxication
Prefrontal Cortex
Identifying triggers and warning signs, and then developing specific coping strategies and healthy resources, are all great steps to take to avoid this, while in recovery
One of the most well know artists to ever live, this Italian genius is thought to have an anxiety disorder and possibly even autism, but that did not stop him from completing his four-year masterpiece of painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
I have made positive changes to my behavior, in this stage, I focus on continuing these new positive ways of living.
A relationship where one person excessively relies on another person's approval, emotional validation, or sense of identity, often at the expense of their own well-being.
(HINT: sometimes known as "relationship addiction")
This is the brain's ability to form and strengthen new and healthy pathways during recovery.
(HINT: it starts with neuro...)
What is the difference between a lapse and a relapse?
Lapse = a return to using over a short time-span wherein we feel regret and remorse and maintain a recovery-based mindset.
Relapse = A full-blown return to using habits and using behaviors. A loss of interest in continuing the recovery process.
One of the original writers of the “horror” genre, this legendary author from the 1800’s suffered from grief and depression.
(HINT: Often associated with Crows and Ravens)
Edgar Allan Poe