The questionnaire that DDS sends to every clmt, about their functions.
What is a 3373?
What 2 forms can a clmt receive for their dependents?
What is the #4 and #11 forms?
What is the title of the person who gather all the MR's for the Doctors at DDS?
Who is the Examiner?
Alleged on-set date
What is AOD?
Name the difference between SSI and SSDI?
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is a program based upon contributions made by individuals working and paying into Social Security.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a separate program administered by Social Security and funded by general federal tax revenues. It pays monthly benefits to the elderly, the blind and people with disabilities who have low income and few material assets.
What determines if the clmt completes the 3369 during the IC.
If the clmt had 1 job during the past 5 years
Which 2 forms go hand in hand? They are always sent together?
(Hint only 5 states offer this and or if you were hurt on a job)
What is SDIB and WC's
How many pages are usually sent with the Iclaim?
What is 7-14 pages?
Date last physically worked
What is DLW?
What are our fees?
For Allsup customers who have been awarded, we charge a one-time percentage of your retroactive (back) benefits. SSA sets the cap at $9,200, or 25%, whichever is less.
This office in the branch of SSA sends out the ADL's.
What is the DDS office?
This form is the relationship between the clmt and us at Allsup.
What is the 1696?
Explain what DLI means?
The date last insured (DLI) is the last day of the quarter a claimant meets insured status for disability or blindness.
What is also know as SSA's on-set date?
What is EOD?
Established on-set date
What are considered life changes?
Marriage, birth, death, divorce
True or False:
If the clmt completed the ADL's during the IC, they do not have to complete them during the Recon?
This form is sent to get auth to get MR's
What is an #827?
What are a few reasons why a CE may be ordered?
Not getting MR's, controversial MR's and need a 3rd party's point of view. To "fill in the blanks"
Unsuccessful work attempt, clmt tries to go back to work but cannot.
What are somethings that could be asked to be presented during the iclaim?
Birth Certificate, W2s, Medical records, 3rd party contact information
Name 5 different types of ADL's
What is:
Work History
If SSA sees earnings after the onset, they might send the clmt this.
Bonus points for which task to set
What is an 820/821?
Bonus:4154 (Supp forms task)
If the clmt's AOD is 9/21/19 and SSA agrees and states their EOD is 9/21/19, what is the DOE?
Bonus MOD
DOE is 3/1/2020
MOD 3/1/2022
Name the 3 different types of CC's?
What is:
Claims Consultant
Client Company
Conference Call
What do you do if DDS states they don't have our 1696 on file?
We need to resend the 1696 to SSA, who will send it to DDS. The task is #5387