Gospel Doctrines
Conversion includes lasting discipleship (Alma 23–24)
The Lord blesses His servants in their missionary labors (Alma 26)
Righteousness leads to eternal happiness (Alma 28)
Proclaiming the gospel brings joy (Alma 29)
This is an enabling power that allows men and women to have eternal life after they have expended their own best efforts, a way that individuals receive strength to do good works that they otherwise would not be able to maintain, a means of help or strength given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ, and made possible through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
What is divine grace?
“Conversion includes a conscious decision to give up one’s former ways and change to become a _______ of ______.” (Guide to the Scriptures, “Conversion, Convert”)
What is a “disciple of Christ?”
Aaron rebuked Ammon for this, but Ammon was not speaking of himself but of the strength of the Lord. (Alma 26:10-12)
What is boasting?

Who plays Piano in Primary Opening Exercises?

Sister Favereau

“…That I might go forth and speak with the trump of God, with a voice to shake the earth, and cry repentance unto every people! Yea, I would declare unto every soul, as with the voice of thunder, repentance and the plan of redemption, that they should repent and come unto our God, that there might not be more sorrow upon all the face of the earth.” (Alma 29:1-2)
What was Alma’s wish?
Were the consequences of Adam and Eve’s partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
What are Spiritual and physical death, and have children?
Those who were converted never did this. (Alma 23:6)
What is “fall away?”
The part we play in “doing this great and marvelous work.” (Alma 26:15)
What are “instruments in his hands?”
This was the result of a tremendous battle that caused “great mourning” among the Nephites and Lamanites. (Alma 28:1-6)
What is slaughtered and scattered?
“To bring some soul to repentance” (Alma 29:9)
What brought Alma joy?
Because children are entitled to birth within the bonds of matrimony, Marriage is a fundamental step to becoming like Heavenly Father and is central in this plan.
What is the Plan of Salvation?
The Lamanites did this so that “they might be distinguished from their brethren.” (see Alma 23:16–17)
What is take upon themselves a new name?
The Lord’s counsel to help missionaries overcome feelings of discouragement and a precursor to success. (Alma 26-27-28)
What is “bear with patience‍ thine afflictions?”
To find spiritual strength, the Nephites and Lamanites did this following the death of their family members. (Alma 28:6)
What is fast and pray?
Ammon observed that this physician brought pain relief to thousands. (Alma 26:11-14)
Who is the Most High God?
Repentance includes these elements; which are required for full and complete repentance.
What is 1) Faith to rely on the Atonement of Jesus Christ, 2) Restitution (seeking to restore the damage as far as possible), and 3) Confession?
The Lamanites laid these down and buried them “deep in the earth.” (see Alma 23:7–13; 24:15–18).
What were “the weapons of their rebellion”?

Who is the Primary President?

President Christmas

“And thus we see how great the __________ of man is because of sin and transgression.” (Alma 28:13)
What is inequality?

Was Alma always active in the Gospel?


The Plan of __________, __________, and __________. These are some of the scriptural names for the Plan of Salvation.
What are Redemption, Mercy, Happiness?
The Anti-Nephi-Lehies burying “the weapons of their rebellion” is an example of this step in the repentance process.
What is foresaking?

These are evidences that God demonstrates love for His children through missionary work. (Alma 26:37)

What are mindful and numbering “his people?”

This eases the sting of death for those left behind. (Alma 28:14)
What is “the light of Christ unto life?”

Name 1 song we practied today

