How many times do Muslims pray in a day?
What was the name of Ibrahim (AS)'s father?
Who was our first and last prophet?
First : Adam (AS)
Last : Muhammad PBUH
With which foot do we enter and leave the masjid?
Enter with the Right foot
Leave with the Left foot
Truthfulness leads a person to __________
What is Qa'ada Akhirah?
Last sitting before salam for the duration of tashahhud.
For how long did the boycott of the tribes of Banu Hashim and Banu Muttalib last?
3 years
How many prophets are mentioned in the Quran?
What is the Dua for knowledge?
رَبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
Rabbi zidnee ‘ilmaa
“My Lord, increase me in knowledge.”
At what occasion was Salah made Fard for Muslims?
Al- Isra and Al- Mairaj
What is the meaning of Qasr salah?
Qasr means to make something short.
a person who plans to travel more than 54 miles away from the boundary of his city will perform qasr salah
Fajr: 2 fard (as normal)
Zuhr: 2 fard
Asr: 2 fard
Maghrib: 3 fard (as normal)
Isha: 2 fard and 3 witr
Who were the 2 great warriors who became Muslims and strengthened Islam?
Umar (RA)
Usman (RA)
Hamzah (RA)
Talha (RA)
Umar (RA)
Hamzah (RA)
Mention at least 3 qualities of all messengers.
1- All were humans
2- All came with the same main message of Tauheed
3-All were chosen by Allah swt
4- All were free from sins
5-All spoke the truth
6- They were given miracles by Allah swt
What do you say when ascending (going up)?
اللهُ أَكْبَرُ
Allah is the greatest.
Name 5-7 Prophets mentioned in the Quran
What is the meaning of the following Hadith?
The world is a prison for a believer and a paradise for a disbeliever.
Paradise is a place where all desires are fulfilled and in a prison you can't have whatever you want, whenever you want.
Our beloved messenger Muhammad PBUH has informed us that in this world, a Muslim can't have whatever he wants whenever he wants, so it is like a prison. But a disbeliever follows his desires so this world is like paradise for him. a believer will get whatever he desires in Paradise,
What happened after the boycott was over which made it the year of sadness for our beloved prophet Muhammad PBUH?
His beloved wife Khadijah (RA) and his strong supporter and Uncle Abu Talib passed away
Mention at least 5 minor signs of the day of Judgement.
1- Modesty decreases
2- Cheating in weighing goods
3-Drought and Famine befall people
4- Rulers oppress their people
5- Disunity
6-Lots of different groups exists
7-Trust becomes a means of making profit
8-A man obeys his wife but disobeys his mother
9- People treat friends kindly but ignore family
10-Voices are raised in the masjid
1-Wine is drunk a lot
12-Female singers and musical instruments become popular
13-People believe in stars and reject destiny
Dua for Parents in the Quran
"رَّبِّ ارْحَمْهُمَا كَمَا رَبَّيَانِي صَغِيرًا" [الإسراء: 23، 24]
"My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up [when I was] small." (Surah Bani Israel: 24)
What is Backbiting?
To speak evil about Muslim brothers or sisters behind their backs.
Mention at least 5 Nawaqid of Salah?
1- To eat or drink
2- To make any type of unnecessary noise
3- To do 'Amal kathir
4- To talk in salah
5- To not touch the feet even once during Sajdah
6- Opening of 1/4 of any body part for the duration of one rukun.
7- Laughing loud during salah
8-To turn the chest away from the Qiblah
9-Making an error in qira'ah which changes the meaning
10- To step ahead of the Imam during salah
How did Zam Zam water come into existence?
When Ibrahim (AS) left his wife Hajar and his son Ismail (AS) in the barren land of Makkah on the command of Allah swt and Ismail (AS) began feeling thirsty, Hajar (AS) ran between the 2 mountains of Safa and Marwah to see any signs of water. While Ismail (AS) was on the sand, an angel appeared and hit the ground and immediately water spurted out. This was the blessed water of Zam Zam.
True or false?
1- All the messengers and prophets came with the same main message.
2- Every Rasul was a Nabi
3- A Rasul is a messenger who is given a book or a scripture or new laws.
4- A Nabi is a prophet who follows the book and law of the previous messenger
5- Every Nabi was a Rasul.
1- True
3- True
4- True
5- False
What is the Dua for Entering or Leaving the masjid?
Entering اللَّهُمَّ افْتَحْ لِي أَبْوَابَ رَحْمَتِكَ
O Allah! open for me the doors of your mercy
Leaving اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْأَلُكَ مِنْ فَضْلِكَ
O Allah! i ask you from your bounty.
Prophet Muhammad PBUH was known as __________ and ________ for his Truthfulness and Honesty.
As Sadiq
Al Ameen