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This accessory, often made of silk or polyester, is a staple in formal business attire and can be styled in knots such as the Half-Windsor or Four-in-Hand. (It is an essential part of a man’s wardrobe, especially when paired with a dress shirt and suit.)

What is a tie?

Bonus (200 points): Can you tie a tie in 3 minutes?


This country won the 2024 Summer Olympics, held in Paris, with a standout performance in athletics and swimming, capturing the most gold medals and topping the medal table. This country also has the most medals won in comparison to any other country.

What is "the United States?"


The ALPFA National Convention is held annually each Summer at a different host city. In 2022 it was held in Orlando, Florida, and held in San Antonio, Texas in 2023. Where was it held in 2024?

What is Las Vegas, Nevada?


This year marks the founding of the University of Georgia, making it the first state-chartered university in the United States.

What is 1785?

Bonus (100 points): What is the exact date?


This country is known for having amazing food (picanha is one of the most popular dishes) and great soccer players, and it also boasts a large portion of the Amazon rainforest, which is vital for global biodiversity

What is Brazil?


This acronym stands for a framework used to set clear and achievable goals, where each letter represents a specific criterion. (Must list out the acronym)

What are SMART goals?

Bonus (100 points): Give me your SMART goal for the school year.


In 2023, this company, known for its deep-sea exploration technology, tragically experienced a catastrophic incident during a mission to the Titanic wreck site, highlighting the risks associated with deep ocean exploration and prompting increased scrutiny of safety measures in the field.

What is "Oceangate"?


The current ALPFA chapter at the University of Georgia has been active for over a decade now. In what year was it first established on campus?

What is 2011?


Recently, the University of Georgia announced that it will construct a new first-year residence hall and "dining, learning, and wellness center", increasing the number of dining halls to 6. 

Name the 5 dining halls currently open to UGA students.

The Niche, O-House, Joe Frank, Snellings, Bolton

Bonus (50 points): What is the best dining hall?


This energetic and colorful dance, originating from the Dominican Republic, is known for its fast-paced steps and is closely associated with the rhythm of upbeat, lively music that often features strong drumbeats and brass instruments.

What is the "merengue"?


What is the term for the unique combination of skills, experiences, and personality that you want the world to see?

What is Personal Branding?

Bonus (100 points): What is your personal brand?


In 2024, this college football team (in the Big Ten) faced scrutiny from the NCAA for allegedly violating rules related to game-day operations and sign-stealing, leading to an investigation into potential breaches of conduct and competitive fairness.

What is "Michigan Football"?


The UGA ALPFA chapter currently has 8 E-Board members with a new one on the way in September, name at least half of them.

Who are Adriano Onate, Daniel Zavala-Palafox, Itandehui Cruz, Diego Somilleda, Lizbeth Sablon, Valery Huaman, Santi Bondulich, Miguel Martinez, and Vijay Romero?


This is a notorious landmark on UGA campus. Known to leave many students winded and gasping for air, this staircase is located outside of Park hall and Sanford Hall.

What is the Million Dollar Staircase?


In Peru, this colorful and traditional woven garment, often made from alpaca wool, is worn over the shoulders and is known for its intricate patterns and vibrant colors. It is a symbol of Andean heritage and often features geometric designs and motifs that reflect the culture's history and natural surroundings.

What is "a poncho"?


This term refers to the four largest professional services firms in the world, known for their extensive global reach and comprehensive range of services, including auditing, consulting, and advisory.

What is the Big Four? 

Bonus (50pts each): Name the Big Four


In 2024, this Grammy-winning artist, who has reportedly been dealing with financial troubles amounting to $50 million in debt, made headlines for releasing a new song with Lady Gaga, marking their first collaboration together.

Who is "Bruno Mars"?


ALPFA is a nationwide organization dedicated to enhancing the professional development of young Latino students, with over 160 chapters across the US. Name the 7 GA universities that host an ALPFA chapter.

What is the University of Georgia, Georgia Institute of Technology, Dalton State College, Kennesaw State University, Georgia State University, Emory University, Georgia Gwinnett College?


The Deep South's Oldest Rivalry is between Auburn and Georgia, with its first football meeting occurring on February 20, 1892. During this football game, Georgia introduced it's first ever mascot, a...

What is a goat?


This Mexican holiday, celebrated on November 1st and 2nd, honors deceased loved ones with vibrant altars, colorful papel picado, and traditional offerings including marigolds, candles, and favorite foods of the departed. It reflects a unique blend of indigenous and Catholic practices.

What is "Día de los Muertos" (Day of the Dead)?


It's calculated that one job posting will receive approximately 250 resumes and only 4-6 candidates get extended an invite to interview.

On average, how many seconds does a recruiter spend looking at an individual resume?

What is 6-7 seconds?


 This adjective refers to a person who displays a behavior that is characterized by a quiet, modest, and unassuming nature. Such a person often avoids being the center of attention and may exhibit reserved or understated manners and appearance, reflecting a sense of propriety and subtlety.

What is "demure"?


ALPFA was originally named the Association of Hispanic Certified Public Accountants (AHCPA) until a name change in 2001 to better reflect their organizational target audience. After merging with the National Hispanic Business Association in 2011, ALPFA underwent one last name (Association of Latino Professionals For America) to welcome professionals of all industries.

What did ALPFA stand for in 2001?

What is the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting?


The University of Georgia was first chartered by the State of Georgia on January 27, 1785, claiming to be the first public university in the United States. Which other school(s) claims the title of the first public university in the US? (100 points per school listed)

What is the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and/or the College of Willam and Mary?


This vast and diverse South American river, the second longest in the world, flows from the Andes Mountains across Brazil, passing through the Amazon Rainforest and into the Atlantic Ocean. Its basin is home to one of the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet.

What is the "Amazon River"?
