What is the Ilokano name of the month where Christmas happens?
What is the Philippines Nickname?
Pearl of the orient sea
What is the Ilokano for "Eldest Sister"
Ayan ti pakabilang ti chromebooks
Idiay uneg iti cumpter cart.
What is the Philippine type of courtship?
What is the Ilokano name for the first day of the week?
Who is the mother of the Philippine Flag?
Dona Marcela Marino de Agoncillo
"Na ringor iti ading ko."
"My sibling is loud."
Adda ti maysa tugaw iti uneg ti klase. Translate daytoy.
There is one chair inside the class.
What is the national holiday in the philippines?
Andres Bonifacio Day
What is the Ilokano name of the color of Manang Jairah's Board?
Inya ti nickname ti Philippine Flag?
The three stars and a sun
If student asks you "Mano ti Kabsatmo?" and you have none, how do you respond?
Awan ti kabsatko.
Where is the black electric fan?
Ada idiay rabar ti lamisaan idiay likod ti kuarto ni Manang Jairah
What is the main holiday in the Philippines? (Happens every June 12)
Independence Day
I nagan mo amin nga bulan (in ilokano)
Enero, Pebrero, Marso, Abril, Mayo, Hunyo, Hulyo, Agosto, Setyembre, Oktubre, Nobyembre, Disyembre
Sino ni Pablo Manlapit
Pablo Manlapit founded the filipino Labor Union in 1919.
"Asawa ni Micheal ket ni Joyce": Sinno ni asaw ni Michael? Translate in English.
Michael's spouse is Joyce.
Ayan na idiay banio iti J building?
Ti Banio ti J building is iti naudi it J building, agdirectsionka
Sino iti na kagroupo na Sakada ‘46?
Suda dagijay na panudi na Filipino Laboeres.
I nagan mo amin nga aldaw ti lawas (in ilokano)
Lunes, Martes, Mierkoles, Huebes, Viernes, Sabado, Domingo
Ania ti kulay ti bandera ti Philipinas
Amarillo, Puraw, Asul, Nalabaga
Translate daytoy iti English: Dua ti kabsat ko.
I have two siblings.
How do you go straight from J building to the library?
Agpakannigidka ken Agdirectsoka tun maki tam iti pay makan, agkurka mapanka agdirecrectso ton ada ka idiay libary.
What is the holiday that happens every August 21?
Ninoy Aquino Day