The year Alpha Phi International was founded.
What is 1872
The name of our philanthropy
What is the Alpha Phi Foundation?
The Johns Hopkins chapter of Alpha Phi
What is Zeta Omicron?
Alpha Phi's official colors
What are silver and Bordeaux?
What Alpha symbolizes
What is the beginning?
The city where Alpha Phi was founded
What is Syracuse, NY?
This nationwide event raises funds for heart health research.
What is the Red Dress Gala?
Alpha Phi was the first sorority to establish this type of permanent residence for its members in 1886.
What is a chapter house?
Alpha Phi's mascot.
What is Phi Bear?
What Phi symbolizes
What is friendship?
The month and day Alpha Phi was founded.
What is September 18
The grant that provides financial aid to Alpha Phis experiencing personal crises like medical emergencies or family hardships
What is the Forget Me Not Grant?
Alpha Phi was a founding member of this interfraternal organization in 1902
What is the National Panhellenic Conference?
Alpha Phi's flowers
What are Lily of the valley and Forget-Me-Not?
Alpha Phi's high ideals
What are sisterhood, generosity, character, and innovation?
Alpha phi was the first to use this specific term instead of "sorority" to describe itself
What is "women's fraternity?
Our philanthropy was officially established in this year.
What is 1956?
The best place to go on girl dates
What is Bird in Hand?
This symbol represents the growth of the Alpha Phi sisterhood, as well as fidelity and eternal friendship.
What is the Ivy Leaf?
The Alpha Phi mission
What is "a loyal sisterhood of women courageously pursuing limitless excellence"?
Who is Martha Crow?
The five pillars of our philanthropy.
What are Women's Heart Health, Leadership, Scholarship, Forget-me-not foundation, and Heritage?
All members of JHU exec board and their positions.
Who are Shannon Dixon (President), Madi Guerra (VP Health, Wellness and Accountability), Sarah Roberts (VP Recruitment), Julia Nicholsberg (VP Finance), Becca Crisp (VP Marketing), Noam Greenshtein (VP Ntew Member Education), Olivia Castillo (VP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), Ella Teeley (Panhellenic Delegate), Jillian Aprile (Executive Administrator)?
Alpha Phi's motto
What is "union hand in hand"?
The Alpha Phi Creed
What is
"I believe in my Fraternity.
I believe in the friendships formed in the springtime of my youth.
I believe in its high ideals which lift me up beyond myself.
I believe in its earnest drive for good scholarship, moral character and genuine culture.
I believe in it as a shrine of international sisterhood wherein I may find love and loyalty, sympathy and understanding, inspiration and opportunity.
I believe in it as a creator of good citizenship, helping me to do my work well, to live in harmony with others and to serve my country and to trust in God.
I believe in my Fraternity.
I believe in Alpha Phi."?