I was swallowed by a whale
This book is about the history of the church
The amount commandments Moses received
Considered the most popular Bible verse
John 3:16
What the bread and wine represent at the Last Supper
Jesus’s body and blood
I betrayed Jesus after the Last Supper
The shortest book of the Bible
3 John
The day which God created man?
The amount of verses in the entire Bible
31,102 verses
The gifts the three wise men gave Jesus
Gold, frankincense, and myrrh
I freed the Israelites from Egypt
The longest book of the Bible
The animal Jesus rode into Jerusalem on
A donkey
The most repeated verse/ phrase in the Bible
“Do not be afraid”
I am the angel that appeared to Mary before Jesus’s birth
The angel Gabriel
The king known for being wise
Paul has this many letters in the Christian Standard Bible
The body of water Israelites crossed to escape Egypt
The Red Sea
The shortest Bible verse
“Jesus wept.” ( John 11:35)
The idol that the Israelites created in the desert while Moses was receiving the 10 commandments
A golden calf
I washed Jesus’s feet
Mary Magdalene
This books says "this is futile and a pursuit of the wind" more than any other book
God's sign to Noah that He would never destroy the Earth again
A rainbow
1 Corinthians 16:14
Do everything in love
After Jesus fed the 5,000, this many baskets were left over