CF03- Critical Thinking
CF02- Successful Learning
SC01-Supervisory Communication
SA01- Standards and Discipline
What are the 5 characteristics that embody a proficient Critical Thinker
What are Open-minded, Healthy Skepticism, Intellectual Humility, Free Thinker and Highly Motivated
What step of the IDDP process do you skip if you determine that the action was appropriate or effective?
What is the Determine step
What is structure must a bullet follow
What is Accomplishment, Impact and Result (A-I-R)
What is the difference between Positive Reinforcement and Positive Punishment? Give an example for each
Positive Reinforcement- adding something the follower thinks is good to encourage (reinforce) a desired behavior-- putting your Airman up for an award Positive Punishment- adding something to stop a behavior-- issuing a LOC
_______ stops a problem from happening before it starts.
What is Preventative Discipline?
List and Describe the 3 approaches for evaluating information
What is Credible- from a trustworthy Unbiased- impartial rather than prejudiced Accurate- correct or truthful
Briefly explain the IDDP process
What is Identify- explain the situation Differentiate- make a distinction whether the action is appropriate or inappropriate/effective or ineffective Determine- establish a proper course of action Predict- anticipate the likely outcome of the chosen course of action
What are the 3 writing mechanics every bullet must meet?
What is Accuracy, Brevity and Specificity
Describe the difference between Negative Reinforcement and Negative Punishment. Give an example for each.
Negative Reinforcement- taking something away that the follower thinks is bad-- taking the LOC out of their PIF Negative Punishment- taking something away to stop a behavior-- taking away their line number/promotion
Is the first step of Progressive Discipline Process (PDP) and encourages two-way communication.
What is Verbal Counseling-- documented in an MFR?
Explain the difference between Reactive Thinking and Reflective Thinking
What is Reactive Thinking- quick thinking, autopilot Reflective Thinking- Slower and thoughtful thinking
What are the 4 benefits of effective time management?
What are reducing and eliminating stress, getting ahead in your assignments, preventing last minute rushes and preventing poor quality work.
What is the proper structure of a 3 part bullet?
Must start with a dash (-), first action verb must end with "ed", the accomplishment and impact must be separated by a semicolon (;), use a double dash to separate the impact from the result (--), there is no space between the dashes and the first word -Modified verb and Accomplishment; impact--result (no punctuation
Explain the four components of transformational leadership. Give an example for each.
Individualized Consideration- Nurture followers by mentoring or coaching, treats each person as an individual Intellectual Stimulation- stimulate and encourage Inspirational Motivation- displays confidence in followers Idealized Influence- walk the walk, holds self to standard
Encourages One way Communication (Discipline).
What is Written Admonishment, Verbal Reprimand, and/or Written Reprimand?
What hindrance does the following scenario describe? Relying on testimonies that are subjective, inaccurate, unreliable, biased, and fraudulent
What is The use of Language-- more specifically Testimonial evidence
Give an example of Appropriate vs Effective corrective actions
Appropriate- An airman is not wearing his cover, you decide to display a very public verbal reprimand Effective- An airman is not wearing his cover, you decide to correct him in private
What are the 4 elements of the Basic Communication Process?
What is The sender, the message, the receiver and feedback
Constructive transaction between leader and follower.
What is Contingent Reward?
Is a rehabilitative tool because it promotes positive behavior changes without the disgrace of a courts-martial conviction.
What is Nonjudicial Punishment?
Give all examples of Questions Using Elements of Thougt
What is Purpose, Questions, Information, Inferences/Conclusions, Concepts, Assumptions, Implications/Consequences, and Points of View
What are the 8 tips of Time Management skills?
What are 1. Don't be caught off guard 2. Seek Clarification EARLY 3. Know and Follow the schedule 4. Prioritize 5. Get Organized 6. Budget your time 7. Avoid Burnout 8. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!
When is the only time you do NOT have to include a semicolon in the structure of the bullet?
What is using ING. Example: building 7 homes
Laissez-Faire and Management by Exception- Passive belong to what type of leader?
What is Passive Leadership?
Articles that support your authority as an NCO and ensure compliance with the standard from your airman.
What are Articles 91 and Articles 92 of the UCMJ?