Parts of the mass consist of
What is the Introductory rite, Liturgy of the Word , Liturgy of the Eucharist, and Concluding Rite?
Container that holds the host
What is the Ciborium?
The servers walk in order at the start of the entrance hymm.
What is to process?
Bowed from my waist
What is a profound Bow
We await the arrival of the Lord
What is advent?
The priest says, " Go in peace to love and serve the Lord" at
What is the concluding Rite
The altar servers carry these two containers for Father to pour out from.
What are the wine and water cruets?
At weekend masses, this particular server usually leads the procession.
Who is the crossbearer?
The Altar server kneeled on the right knee while making the sign of the cross towards the tabanacle
What is to Geneflect
A time for the church to grow
What is ordinary time?
Greek word for "thanksgiving."
What is the Eucharist?
the eucharist is reserved in this item to carry for the sick
What is a pyx ?
This server carries the Thurible.
Who is the Thurifer?
Hands are joined together.
This is a royal season
What is Lent?
We "dare to say" this prayer
What is the Our Father ?
The blood of Jesus is given from this special cup
What is the chalice
This server alerts the congregation that Jesus is present
Who is the bell server?
On Good Friday, the priest enters the church in silence and then performs this posture at the santury steps facing the Altar.
What is to prostrate?
Father was dressed in a rose coloured chasible
What is Gaugate ( Joy)Sunday, Third Sunday or Advent
All our prayer are lifted up at the beginning of the mass, which is called
What is the Collect ?
I am the vessel used "to show" Jesus
What is the monstrance?
The thurifer insences father this number of times
What is two, three times?
Altar servers assist the people coming up for communion by this gesture
What is to Usher or to Guide?
This particular biblical song is proclaimed in this season. "I will sing to the Lord Glorious his triump, horse, and rider he has thrown into the sea."
What is the Easter season? (On Gloria Saturday Night) Exodus 15