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Mass Response

Prior to entering or exiting a pew, we do this (Latin for “to bend one’s knee”), kneeling down on one knee as an outward sign of our interior reverence for the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, which is reserved in the tabernacle

What is "genuflect"?


The free and undeserved gift that God gives us to respond to our vocation to become his adopted children.

What is "grace"?


Priest: The Lord be With you.

People:  __________________

What is "And with your spirit"?

Kneeling is a profound symbol of __________, falling on our knees before the King of the universe.

What is "adoration" or "worship"?


The white robe the priest wears underneath his outer vestment

What is "alb"?


Priest: The Lord be with you .

People:   And with your spirit .

Priest: Lift up your hearts .

People:   We lift them up to the Lord .

Priest: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God .

People:   _____________________ 

What is "It is right and just ."


From a Latin word for “sacred” or “holy place,” this is the area of a church, where liturgical actions take place. Usually elevated by steps and located at the front or center of the church, this area contains the altar, the tabernacle, the ambo (where the readings are proclaimed and the homily is given by the priest or deacon), the credence table, and the presider’s chair (where the priest celebrant sits).

What is "sanctuary"?


The elevated platform (or lectern) from which the Scripture readings and homily are proclaimed

What is the ambo?


Through him [Jesus] all things were made. For us men and for our ____________, he came down from heaven.

What is "salvation"?


The sanctuary is set apart and entered only by those who are __________ for the Mass, such as the priest, deacon, altar servers, reader, cantor, and extraordinary ministers.

What are "ministers"?


The bowl that holds the consecrated hosts used during the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass. Hosts not consumed during Mass are reserved in these in the tabernacle for veneration and distribution of Communion to the sick

What is Ciborium?


The longest form of the Penitential Act includes the Confiteor, which begins, “I confess to Almighty God, and to you my _______ and ____________ ...

What is "brothers and sisters"?


In the Mass, the priest acts not as an individual Christian, but in the place of Christ himself: He acts in _____________ (Latin for “in the person of Christ”).

What is persona Christi?


The colored, outer vestment the priest wears over his alb and stole. This is sleeveless, and its color varies according to the liturgical season or feast day. It is a symbol of the priest’s charity, as well as of the authority he has acting in persona Christi (“in the person of Christ”) as celebrant of the Mass.

What is chasuble?


At the end of the Penitential Act, the priest says the following words of absolution: “May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to __________ life.”

What is everlasting?
