What kind of emotions do we use when we get our period?
We mostly use moody when we don’t get our own way. Or sad if something little happens or angry because not everything is perfect because its not the way you like it.Their mood might change more frequently, quickly and randomly. Your child may have strong emotions that they've never experienced before. It's common for them to feel confused, scared or angry and not know why. They also might be more sensitive and become more easily upset than usual.
What do people do when they get their period?
They have supplies in and out of their bag. Example: you are at class running and you feel something on your pants and others see and make fun of you and make a big problem and you get terribly upset and your don’t want to go too school.
What are some changers that are the same but happens in different ways?
Girls could and would develop bigger parts however boy and men get bigger shoulders and get facial unlike girls.Voice changes, wet dreams, involuntary erections, and noticeable physical changes such as breast enlargement, acne, widened hips, and growth spurts In puberty, children get taller, heavier and stronger. There are also changes in children's sexual organs, brains, skin, hair, teeth and sweatiness.
What is a physical strategy?
Maybe if we are eating well or get good sleep and enough physical activity and looks after their personal hygiene. Even though that can help if you take your mind of it and rest then most likely it’s going to go away and help, but it won’t always help so taking your time and breathing helps too. Everyone has their own way of doing it.
What is the most best tip to do when they get their period?
Wear lightweight, breathable clothing (such as cotton underwear) Change your menstrual products regularly Keep your genital area cleanUse unscented toilet paper, tampons, or padsDrink enough liquids Use period products like a pad, tampon, menstrual cup or period underwear to absorb the bleeding. Pads and liners are longs strips of cotton that you stick to your underwear. Keep a 'period kit' somewhere handy. ... Enjoy life as much as possible.
When people change was is the first thing that happens?
The menses phrase witch is a period that is he combination old 2-4 phrases and consequences involved 2-4 cadences. Well if they don’t know what it is because their mother thinks that they aren’t gouging o get their period but it happens, some people think that they are going to die, so if you should always tell you kind or child about it when you averagely got it.
How do changes effect my change?
Social identity influences out values, the story’s we tell about ourselves and others, and things that motivate us towards action, if you have a bad day and you take it out on someone else then they are going to be angry or even confused on what’s happening.
Why do girls and boys have different ways of growing?
Though puberty girls occur more earlier than boys but the boys have a easier way to deal with their puberty unlike the girls they have to pack pads witch is supplies in their bag and in their room and need to put their supplies on every 2nd week.
What is a Social strategy?
Good communication, role modelling and setting boundaries can help parents and teens navigate this time. If your child is struggling with their emotional changes during puberty, resources and support networks are available. Getting involved and main distracting yourself from your changes. Asking someone to help distract them from what they are fearing from is ok. (Maybe a family member or a friend or someone that you are close to)
Is it normal to have your period at the age of 13?
it's perfectly normal for puberty to begin at any point between the ages of 8 and 13 in girls and 9 and 14 in boys In most cases, delayed puberty is nothing to worry about. Every kid is different and some just start sexual development later than others.
True of false hormones impact out emotions?
Estrogen influences our/your emotions by affecting moon regulations and metal health sometimes you cant even think of a way to calm your self down because you are so stressed or shocked or angry at yourself or so on else.
How will people reacted when they get their period?
Exhausted, insecure, down, listless, irritable or angry. Think that they are dieting or something bad will happen if they don’t know what it is or what to do, so it it important to tell you child or children about it when they are 7 or older. (It’s the bet thing ti do for them)
What do girls do with odour?
They would use deodorant, wear clean clothes. And have their own way of doing stuff without people around it is easer when you don’t have much people around.
What is a Emotional strategy?
Try and keep calm and let them or yourself know you want to understand their or your feelings.give them space to process their feelings. Help them problem solve and get it if their mind, but don't try to fix their problems for them. Even if showing your emotions can help people understand what you’re going through.
What yo do before hitting puberty, what happens?
Maybe tell things that you feel or what you think, because sometimes telling someone things like this can help the other person know what’s going to happen or what is happening. You could also keep an eye on your child as they grow and change their old self.
How do teenagers and kids that get there adolescence with expressing their emotions?
By doing physical activity or by having a good cry, even listening to good music or by making art that shows their emotions or feelings. Or they could even think of their happy quiet place to calm their selves down.
True or false? More or less people will like you why?
Well when you get your period you get new emotions and thoughts and you get more curious of things, and things will most likely changes to you and your mind like you may not want to be friends with you friend or you don’t want to be with your parents anymore because you feel different.
Why do people change through puberty?
Girls can develop different changers and feel different then before however boys grow bigger muscles more than girls, and they grow bigger to do thing when they are adults like they could have kids or change their lives a to suit themselves.
Having strategies is one of the best things to have?
Yes because when it come time when you get your physical or emotional and social changes as long as you have strategies that can help you, you can achieve anything. Another good thing to do is wearing supplies and letting someone know that has most likely been through it.
What are you going to expect when getting your period?
Most people start off with pains and cramps or a discharge that contains clear fluid or slime that’s trying to clean out your insides before having your period. After side affect I would recommend putting pads or supplement on you or when it dose happen it’s ok.
Who might be able to support you when you get or have their changes?
Depends on what there are like and what’s wrong, example: in the middle of your Hpe class you were playing and you got you period but your didn’t know what it was or what to do. Maybe a good friend that you can trust not to shout it out or even your favourite teacher or staff. Member that you know that could help you.
How do changers effect my identity?
More or less people will like me because you might change and act different because when you get or have you period different feeling and emotions are in side of your head and you don’t know what to do because you don’t know what the new feeling is like. Our sense of self-identity is influenced by society, family, ethnicity, culture, location, media, and life experiences. Travel, as one of those life experiences, can have a significant impact on how our identity is formed over time and how we perceive ourselves
Is boys and girls hormones different. True or false
(boys testosterone +girls oestrogen) tear they are called different thing and look different to each other they also do different thing but the same like they make you change you personality sometimes and make you different to what you were before you got your period.
How does letting someone know that we might have our period help?
Letting someone know about the situation helps a lot because if they know what to do but you don’t then sharing the information about it can help you and your future, knowing what a period is, is important because sometimes people think they are going to die or something bad is happening or even sometimes worse.
What tricks or tips could help your child though out school?
Maybe if the mother feel like her daughter or son might get their period or puberty or maybe if they don’t want to do that then they could Use age-appropriate resources like books, videos, or websites. Reassure them that puberty is a normal part of growing up. Share your own experiences to help them feel less alone. Teach them about personal hygiene and the importance of regular grooming. Encourage a healthy diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep