Do you have to use two pieces of fabric for your snark.
Yes you do
After cooking do you (normally) keep the stove on?
No you turn it off right away
Why did we make the cupcakes?
So we could practice following simple instructions.
True or False
There is a poster in the room about learning styles.
What is the abbreviation of Family And Consumer Science?
True or False
There is a way you have to sow for the Snark to come out the right way
How long do you wash your hands before cooking?
20 seconds or sing a song like Happy Birthday or twinkle twinkle little star.
Why do we use oven mitts to put things in the oven and take other things out?
So that we don't burn ourselfs
How many learning styles are there?
How many cooking stations are in the room?
5 or 6
How much string did you have to use for your snark
(before if you got more)
Arms length
After making some batter or food with raw eggs, is it okay to have a taste before cooking it.?
No you can not
Why did everyone have jobs?
So everyone could have a chance to do something and practice following simple instructions.
What are two of the learning styles?
move ,self
How are the cabinets organized?
By letters
When you were creating your snark and you were drawing it out were you allowed to erase
What could happen if you eat the food with the raw eggs before cooking it/ Why can you?
You could get sick because of the bad things in some raw food.
Why did we have to follow a menu and have the right measurements?
So the cupcakes would turn out the right way.
Why do people use different learning styles?
So they can focus and learn the best
When you make snarks do you use a bottom to help it stand?
Mostly yes
Did you need a bottom to your FIRST snark
True or False
When holding a knife you hold it with the point(or blade) pointing toward you.
Why do you need to wash your hands after using raw foods?
Why do we have multiple learning styles?
So we can know what helps us the most and also to see what classes use each style to most.
Do you remember how long the cupcakes had to cook for?
15 minutes