Social Skills
Coping Skills
Accepting Limits

When we are asking for someone for something, what do we say after our request?



What is a coping skill?

Coping skills are abilities or talents employed to effectively respond to issues that result in disadvantage or adversity


What is safety and why is it so important?

the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause danger, risk, or injury.

it keeps us safe and out of harms way.


Why is our education important?

Because it opens doors to our future


Throwing a tantrum is a good way to get what we want. True or False?



When someone is able to give you what you requested for, what do you say afterwards?

Thank you


Name 3 coping skills you can use when you start getting upset?

How many colors? Reading. Alphabet Scavenger Hunt. Reading. Coloring. Playing a game. Taking space. Breathing. Counting. Push pull dangle. etc...


If we go to the park and our parents ask us to stay in a spot where they can see us, it is okay to go to the bathroom (that is not in our parents eye view) without asking? True or False? Why?



What is truancy? How much money can a truancy ticket range from?

the action of staying away from school without good reason

$100 - $500


When we want something but one of our parents already said "no", we can go to the other parent to get a "yes". True or False? Why?



What are "I" statements?

What is the difference between I statements and You statements?

"I" statements are a way for us to own our feelings and to express our feelings appropriately to others

"I" statements - we own our feelings

"You" statements - we blame others for our feelings


In what kind of situation would you utilize a coping skill?


We should get consequences for participating in an activity that is potentially dangerous to ourselves or others. True or False.



If we bring home a good report card, that means that we are able to do whatever we want now. True or False?



What do we do if we get caught doing something that WE KNOW we were doing?

Accept responsibility


You're upset with someone while you're out in public and you don't want to talk to them. How do you let them know appropriately that you want spce?



Bonus Points: what do youth think THINK means and what is it used for?

THINK is a stopping and thinking coping skill to help decide if what we want to say is appropriate or not.

It stands for: T - is it True? H - is it Honest? I - is it Inspiring? N - is it Necessary? K - is it Kind?


You got permissions from your parents to go to Jeremy's house. Once you're there, Jeremy asks if wanted to walk over to Matthew's house and play for an hour or 2 since she lives down the block. You didn't get permission to go to Matthew's house but Jeremy keeps pressuring you, and calling you a "baby". You decide that as long as you're only there for an hour or 2, you didn't do anything wrong. True or False, why?




If our teacher allows us a 10 minute free time to do whatever we want, what are we allowed to do?

Anything that is appropriate and what we have permission to do.


How do we communicate to adults when we disagree with a consequence or punishment?

respectfully and use I statements


You're with a group of your family and they're talking about a topic you know a lot about, but there never seems to be a moment where you can chime in. What is the most appropriate way to enter a conversation without interrupting?



Bonus Points: What do youth think STEPS stand for and how is it used?

S - Say the problem; T - Think of other solutions; E - Evaluate the pros and cons of the solutions; P - Pick a new solution; S - See if it works

STEPS is used to help someone problem solve and come up with a better solution to their original choice.


Why is it important to follow a safety rule that our parents have set for us in the home?



When we have a disagreement with a peer at school, the best way to handle the disagreement is by cussing at them and telling them "you're gonna beat them up" true or false?

What is a more effective way to handle a disagreement?




We get really upset with our parents for giving us a consequence that we really think is unfair. We don't understand why they can't seem to understand why we don't agree with it and get even more upset. What should we do in order to prevent the situation from getting worse?

