"Possible" Treatments
History & Experiments
"Interesting Facts"
A single word that describes the "loss of cognitive ability" that starts with "d".
What is dementia?
Acronym Ach
What is Acetylcholine?
These drugs does not address the root cause of Alzheimer's, but affects neurotransmitters. They are usually antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.
What are delay drugs?
The scientist who coined the term "Alzheimer's Disease".
Who is Emil Kraepelin?
The 4th leading cause of death in adult.
What is Alzheimer's Disease?
Problem with communication (language deficit), memory loss, inability to recognize family and self, and failure to perform daily activities.
What are the symptoms of a severe case of Alzheimer's?
1. Primary deformation of amyloids in plaques. 2. In tangles, this protein clumps together which lead to microtubules falling off and nutrients are not distributed.
1. What is amyloid beta? 2. What are tau proteins?
Specifically, these drugs inhibit the breakdown of the primary neurotransmitter in the nucleus basalis, and address the root issue of Alzheimer's. However, these drugs HELP BUT DOES NOT CURE THE DISEASE.
What are Ach drugs?
The decade when Alzheimer's was finally considered a serious disease.
When are the 1960s?
This percentage of Alzheimer's cases are believed to be hereditary.
What is 10%?
The three behavioral symptoms in early stages of Alzheimer's disease.
What are agitation, suspicion, and depression?
This part of the brain has widespread projections to the cerebral cortex. It deteriorates with Alzheimer's disease. When normal, it produces Acetylcholine, a core neurotransmitter.
What is the nucleus basalis?
A drug that helps the brain's cells regulate excess glutamate (Memantine).
What is Namenda?
This method produced a vaccine for Alzheimer's in an animal. It prevent plaque from developing, and after "Alzheimer's Disease", it reduce plaques. On the other hand, it failed to work in humans (encephalitis).
What is the transgenic mice experiment?
This movie, based on Nicholas Sparks' best-selling novel of the same name, features James Garner as Noah, the loving husband of Allie (Gena Rowlands), who is in a nursing home due to Alzheimer's disease. He attempts to rekindle her memories of their long history by reading to her from his notebook. Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams play the couple in their younger years. Described as a true romance, the movie was directed by Nick Cassavetes, son of Gena Rowlands.
What is The Notebook?
The 4 A's (cognitive/intellectual symptoms) of Alzheimer's disease.
What is apraxia, agnosia, amnesia, and aphasia?
In normal plaques, the healthy neuron has APP, which stands for ...
What is amyloid precursor protein?
Name three types of food that help fight Alzheimer's.
What are fish, poultry, fruits, coffee, nuts, tomatoes, dark chocolate, and dark vegetables? (Any three will work)
1) The full name of the German physician who identified an abnormality of brain cells that leads to Alzheimer's disease. 2) The year of the event mentioned in the last question.
Who is Alois Alzheimer and when is 1906?
The fraction of older American that has Alzheimer's, when the numerator is one.
What is one-in-eight?
________ and ________ can be very upsetting to the person with the disease. Common reactions are feelings of fear, anxiety and paranoia, as well as agitation, aggression and verbal outbursts.
What are hallucinations and delusions?
Mutation of this chromosome leads to early onset and increased risk of acquiring Alzheimer's. This is also prevalent in Down Syndrome.
What is chromosome 21 (trisomy 21)?
The four drugs approved by the FDA to treat Alzheimer's (Ach drugs).
What are Aricept, Razadyne, Exelon, Cognex?
A possible breakthrough drug that could work in humans. Mice were able to regain cognitive abilities after a few days, and plaques cleared up as well.
What is Bexarotene?
This notable U.S. President had Alzheimer's.
Who is Ronald Reagan?