AMA Norms
National, State, and Local Assessment
Mission, Vision, Collective Commitments, and Goals
AMA Services
AMA Staff Spotlight

Complete this Norm:

Make meaningful, (Blank), and valuable contributions to the work we do.

What is Actionable.


This assessment is a computer-adaptive assessment designed to provide teachers with actionable insight into students needs.

What is i-Ready.


How many total Collective Commitments do AMA have ?

What is 5


This tool will generate student-level data based on a selection of data attributes. It will export a spreadsheet that has each student appearing once, along with all their selected data attributes appended to the right, as columns. 

What is the Raw Data Generator. 


This person has 25 years of service with FUSD.

Who is Linda (Vang)


What number is this norm?

Be respectful by listening to understand, not interrupting, allowing equal voice and creating a safe space for sharing.

What is 4. 


This assessment is administered in ELA and Math for grades 3rd-8th and 11th to measure what students know and are able to do. In grade 11th, results can be used as an indicator of college readiness. 

What is the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium or (SBAC).


“We will approach our work with an equitable lens, keeping a student-centered focus” is one of what in AMA?

what is the Collective Commitments


This process as part of our service request form is used for data review and verifies the quality of data being shared by other department. 

What is TACTICAL. 


This staff member have a large collection of video games that spans over 20 systems.

Who is Cornell (Cotton).


Complete this norm:

Have a (Blank) for each meeting with established (Blank). 

What is protocol and outcomes. 


This initial assessment is used to identify students as either an English Learner who needs support to learn English, or as proficient in English. It is comprised of four domain: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. 

What is English Language Proficiency Assessment for California or ELPAC.


“ We will be service-oriented, provide timely and responsive support to departments, school sites, families, community” is goal # __________ of AMA goals?

What is goal # 3


Census day is taken on this date. 

What is the first Wednesday in October.


This staff member would've found a job analyzing baseball metrics if they didn't get into education.

Who is Luis (Sequeira) 


What is the 2nd norm?

What is Arrive, start and end our meeting on time.


This standardized test was created and administered by College Board. The purpose is to measure a student's readiness for college.

What is the Scholastic Assessment Test or SAT.


We provide ___________,_____________,____________ data analysis to inform accountability and support evidence-based decision making, with a focus on improving student achievement and closing the opportunity gap.

What is accurate, unbiased, and meaningful


This tool is use for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data. We often refer sites to use this before submitting a service request. 

What is Power Bi. 


This staff member is a breeder of Yorkiepoos and Frenchies.

Who is Zerina (Hargrove-Brown).


Complete this norm:

Be professional by being present, using technology only when necessary, and don't have......

What is side bar conversations. 


This assessment monitor students' growth overtime and measure uppercase and lowercase letters, phonics, word recognition, letter sounds, high frequency words, and phonological awareness. 

What is Foundational Skills Assessment or FSA.


To be a team of professionals who are valued for out expertise in  _________, ____________, and ____________ to support our educational partners in preparing college and career ready graduates.

What is analytics, research and data


What are the three words our Mstands for?

What is Measure, Monitor, and Motivate. 


This staff member loves horror movies.

Who is Gloria (Alamillo). 
