These are the 4 P's of Marketing.
Price, Product, Place, Promotion
Taxes imposed on goods coming from other countries
What are tariffs
What is the analysis software you use in your Marketing Research classes?
What is SPSS
The rule that states that 20% of customers makes up 80% of sales.
What is the 80/20 rule
These are the three main components of a business' balance sheet.
What are assets, liabilities, and equity
Introduction, growth, maturity, and decline make up the four stages of...
What is product life cycle
Being served tea in Turkey and coffee in Qatar are examples of _____ in business relationships.
What are cultural differences
Research that you conduct on your own.
What is primary research
This type of marketing encourages positive behavior and discourages negative activites.
What is social marketing
These are small text files that track a user's visit to a website.
What are cookies
Aggregating prospective buyers into groups is called...
What is market segmentation
BRICS consists these five countries:
What are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa
What is research obtained from outside sources such as scholarly articles?
What is secondary research
Loyalty programs are an example of which type of markting?
What is frequency marketing
Short-lived intense feelings directed at someone or something.
What are emotions
The added value of a brand name given to a product beyond its functional benefits.
What is brand equity
Strong support for labor unions is an example of what kind of risk?
What is economic risk
A 7 point scale asking you to what extent you agree or disagree with a subject.
What is a likert scale
The three categories of decision making are...
What are cognitive, habitual, and affective
The art of predicitng a future event is called...
What is forecasting
The stages one goes through from initial awareness of a product to eventual action.
What is hierarchy of action
The influence a country's manufacture, design, or assemple has on a consumer's perception of a product.
What is the country of origin effect
This test compares means from the same populations and includes two continuous variables
What is paired samples t-test
Freud's theory of personality consists of the...
Id, superego, and ego
This mathematical technique is used to help plan and make decisions relative to the trade-offs necessary to allocate resources.
What is linear programming