Name the document that is pre-designed with a set format and structure?
What is a Template.
Name the term for a long-term storage folder or device that contains records and information of groups of patients who are no longer active?
What is an Archive
Under which three categories in the Care tree are tests stored?
What is Lab, Imaging, Medical Tests-SpringCharts automatically stores the tests under the appropriate category.
When building the OV template, how is the template typically named?
What is by the Chief Complaint.
The Pregnancy Estimated Due Date calculator is an essential tool for which physicians? (3)
What are Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Family Physicians
Where is the My Websites feature located?
What is in Productivity Center menu.
Name the specific documents that guide all individuals with a patient’s care, outlining the appropriate treatment to insure the optimal outcome?
What are Care Plans or Practice Guidelines-provide a road map for all who care for a patient
How does SpringCharts alert the physician if there are any abnormalities in the test results?
What is: the results will be highlighted in a color bar.
What are the three types of templates in Springcharts template manager?
What is OV Templates, Letter Templates, Patient Templates.
In which location can a user view lists of both inbound and outbound faxes in SpringCharts?
What is the Productivity Center
If a letter need more elaborate formatting and/or color needs to be added, how does a user export it to the word processor?
What is: Select the Copy or Export this data icon in the Letter window
Name the subscriber-based online fax service that enables users to fax wherever internet access is available?
What is Interfax.
When a physician is ready to evaluate processed pending tests, which window must the physician open from the Edit menu of the Practice View screen?
What is the Completed Tests Window (by selecting Edit>Completed Tests.
Which portion of the letter Template accommodates the narrative or body portion of the letter?
What is the Text field-The name of the letter template will be typed in the Template name field, the subject of the letter in the Re: field, the Text or body portion of the letter needs to be completed with narrative to complete the template.
Where is the Time Clock Setup feature located?
What is in the Administrator panel from the Productivity Center menu on the Practice View Screen.
In regard to SpringCharts bulletin board, what is meant by all users share the same bulletin board?
What is because it is network defined.
Name the term for the reason why insurance companies and providers use the same codes?
What is Uniformity.
How does an authorized user access received lab test results?
What is by selecting Reference Lab/Reports from the main menu.
When inserting a letter template, how can a user revise the letter?
What is: the user may use line items from the Popup Text window-or by manually entering new content in the Text field
What is not a search criterion a user may select to search the entire database of patient charts?
What is Social Security Number-can search the database by diagnoses, medications, procedures, tests, insurance companies, employers, and providers
Searching the database for unlocked encounters enables providers to do what?
What is locate incomplete encounter notes, finalize them, sign and then lock the notes.
Name the term for the measures of processes, experiences, and outcomes of patient care?
What are CQM-Clinical Quality Measures are measures of measures of processes, experiences, and outcomes of patient care.
What three choices are users given to process imported lab test results?
What is Match, Force enter, and Delete.
How would a provider create a new OV Template?
What is: From the Practice View screen the provider would select New>New Template>Now Office Visit Template
Why has Spring medical Systems, Inc. created multiple groups of templates?
What is for different medical specialties-Spring Medical has developed Template Ware as an add-on feature for different medical specialties.