“God mentions to Satan saying, “There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright. A man who fears God and shuns evil.”
Without searching, the address of the church is 432 Elgin Avenue, but what is the postal code?
R3A 0K7
What is the year that AGM was established and how old is the church?
1999 - 25 years old
Break my heart for what breaks yours, everything I am for your kingdom’s cause
“Then one of them said, “I will return to you about this time next year, and your wife, ______, will have a son!” _____ was listening to this conversation from the tent. _______ and _______ were both very old by this time, and _____ was long past the age of having children. So she laughed silently to herself and said, “How could a worn-out woman like me enjoy such pleasure, especially when my master—my husband—is also so old?””
The book of Genesis
“With this character’s brother, this character led the Israelites out of Egypt.”
Amazing Grace Ministry Church used to volunteer at this place. What is the name of the place and what is the street that it is on?
Lighthouse Mission - Main Street
What month is Pastor’s appreciation day?
Take me as you find me, all my fears and failures, fill my life again
Mighty to Save
“But the Lord hurled a powerful wind over the sea, causing a violent storm that threatened to break the ship apart. Fearing for their lives, the desperate sailors shouted to their gods for help and threw the cargo overboard to lighten the ship. But all this time _____ was sound asleep down in the hold. So the captain went down after him. “How can you sleep at a time like this?” he shouted. “Get up and pray to your god! Maybe he will pay attention to us and spare our lives.””
The book of Jonah
“This character assisted the Israelites by hiding two men who had been sent to scout the city prior to their attack.”
What is the name of AGM’s covering church?
Shalom Family Worship
The three “multi-purpose” rooms downstairs consist of what?
Children’s Sunday School, Social Media Team, and Infant/Toddler Play Room
Your will above all else, my purpose remains, the art of losing myself in bringing you praise
From the Inside Out
“I love you, Lord; you are my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my Savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. I called on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.”
The book of Psalms
“This character had been raised in an idol-worshipping household. They asked for a sign from God”
How many families were together when AGM church came to be?
4 Families
When Pastor David would preach here at AGM, what is the common phrase that he would say to encourage us?
I sing for joy at the work of your hand, forever ill love you forever ill stand
Shout to the Lord
“And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”
The book of Mark
“An orphaned girl who grew into a woman of such unique beauty that a King selected her as his wife. She capitalized on her attractiveness and influence to the king to protect what would be the family lineage of Jesus Christ.”
What is the names of the retreat locations that AGM has been to?
Selah & Wilderness Edge
What year did we buy 428 Elgin Avenue in hopes that we can turn it into the church parking lot?
I’m reaching my hands to Yours
Today is the Day
“If people are causing divisions among you, give a first and second warning. After that, have nothing more to do with them. For people like that have turned away from, the truth, and their own sins condemn them.”
The book of Titus