I just placed an order, is there anyway for you to make it arrive faster?
What is CSC / Change Ship Option
There was a wreck down the road and it broke the power line pole, I don't have power now, what do I do?
What is Outage Policy
Where was the very first Amazon located?
What is Jeff's Garage
Cynthia scheduled an appointment an hour before she had to report to her shift thinking it would be enough time, it wasn't and she was late
What is report time on Amazon Moment
Online tool that makes it easier for Amazonians to create and track meaningful Career Growth Plans
What is Ingenii
I had a return last month and the agent told me I didn't have to worry about sending it back, I just got a charge drafted from my bank account that was the same amount as that order was?
What is Post-Replace / Retrocharge
You are a new mom who is still nursing and needs extra time to pump
What is Lactation Policy
In Amazon's first year Jeff Bezos hired mobile billboards to drive by where with a message that said "Can't find the book you're looking for? Visit Amazon at www.amazon.com
What is Barnes and Noble
Cynthia gets a call from a customer stating she didn't have a printer to print her return label and her local carrier doesn't use QR codes
What is Manual RML
A proven mechanism to enable and accelerate career growth by supporting effective discussions and collaboration between you and your manager
What is Career Development Plan
I bought a gas powered lawnmower that arrived damaged, I'm trying to return it but it's telling me it's non-returnable, this thing was almost $500
What is Policy Hazardous Materials
What is Work From Home Policy
Our homegrown variant combines aspects of traditional broomball and soccer
What is Broomball
Cynthia uses this feature to try items out and they automatically charge her if she doesn't return them
What is Prime Wardrobe
A simple way to recognize your manager for embracing the Amazon development culture.
What is "I Develop the Best"
Every time Amazon ships my order through DHL I always have problems, can you make it so they never use them to ship my packages?
What is Policy: Shipping / Carrier Problelms
I mentioned in my team Chime room about how I was telling my mom about this awesome item she's been wanting fixing to be going on sale, my TM sent me a side message and now I am in a lot of trouble
Amazon's "shortest volunteer worker"
Who is Rufus
At the end of every customer call Cynthia always makes sure to ask this
What is a YES! question
This is used to keep track of everything the CSA and TM are doing for my career development
What is Career Development Tracker
I received an email from Amazon asking me to fill out all this information and asking me to verify someone I've shipped a package to, is this really from Amazon and why do they wanna know all this stuff?
What is Policy: Security / Data Request
Someone was talking trash about Amazon on Facebook, I replied to post correcting them
What is Social Media Policy
This was was hand-delivered to Japan by Jeff Bezos and signed by every Amazon employee
What is One-Millionth Customer order
Cynthia always makes sure she remembers it's not WHAT you say it's HOW you say it
What is Positive Positioning
These must always be present in everything we do to develop your career at Amazon
What is ACT / Tenets and Behaviors