Full names of the 2 residence halls on campus
- Schottenstein Residence Hall
- Design Square Apartments
How many majors do we have on campus?
Who is allowed to use the FabLab?
Where can students apply to CCAD?
- Common App or our website
Who can live in DSA?
upperclassmen and transfer students
Where can students access film and photography equipment?
second floor of Kinney Hall
Name 2 things you can buy at Ampersand Emporium.
- art supplies (markers, sketchpads, pencils, paint, etc.), snacks, CCAD gear (hats, mugs, sweatshirts, t shirts, etc.)
Do we offer scholarships?
short answer: yes! refer them to an admissions counselor for more info
Who works the front desk at Schottenstein Residence Hall? During which hours?
- During the day: Residence Advisors
- Overnight: Security Officer
Kinney Hall is home to which majors?
Photography; Film & Video; Illustration; Comics & Narrative Practice; Fine Arts; Industrial Design
Name 3 things security officers can do for you.
- Walk you to your car/residence hall, help jumpstart your car, provide assistance if you get locked out of your res hall, help retrieve keys locked in vehicles, issues IDs and parking permits
What do students need to apply to CCAD?
An essay, portfolio, school transcript, and $50
True/False: the meal plan is included in the first Schottenstein housing rate.
What is Spitball?
The comic book anthology for the Comics & Narrative Practice major
Name 3 departments Student Central is home to.
Academic Advising; Financial Aid; Bursar; Registrar; Counseling & Wellness; Student Engagement & Inclusion
What is our current tuition rate?
$36,500 per year
Name two exemptions from the requirement to live on campus during a student’s first year at CCAD?
- commuter students (if parents' home is within 35 miles of campus zip code; 20 miles if living with another immediate family member)
- transfer students with more than 24 credits
- students who are 21+ years old (by start of first semester)
- students who are married/living with a domestic partner
What 3 classes do all first year students take?
Intro to your major; Drawing Methods; Visual Literacy
Name 3 things Career Services provides.
- Build Your Brand: Recruiting on Campus Series; Connections Career Fair
- Career Prep: One-on-one career advising; workshops (resume and cover letter writing, interview prep, etc.), job search, art fair
Can students transfer credits from another school?
Yes, but refer them to an Admissions Counselor