Who is the Director of Admissions?
Katie Szalda
Who is our advisor?
John Bond
Who is our advisor?
Meghan Buckley
How many Coordinators are there?
Currently 5
Gioia Hall
How many tours do you give during a weekend if you are scheduled?
3: 10:00, 12:00, & 2:00
How many Coordinators are there?
What do you fill out to help the Coordinators make the schedule?
The Availability Form
Which Admissions counselor handles Long Island recruitment?
Anto Pelliccia
What are the names of our schedules?
Green & Gold
Only Freshmen
How many weekends will you work each semester?
What programs does Dale Taylor oversee?
HEOP & Bonner
One of the Coordinators updates an important document every night; what is this document?
The Prospective Students Document
What number room is the freshman dorm show room in Ryan Hall?
What do you do if a Coordinator tells you that there are extra tours listed that help is needed for?
Check the Schedule & Sign Up
How many Open Houses / Accepted Students Day does Admissions typically have per semester?
2 per Semester
What do you have to do if you cannot make your tour?
Find coverage and fill out the Tour Coverage Form
True or False: Pathfinders is a great way for freshmen to get involved on campus, meet friends, and become Ambassadors as upperclassmen
Do you contact the student after you give them a tour?
Yes; Ambassadors send follow-up emails to students