4th Amendment
5th Amendment
6th Amendment
8th Amendment

What is usually required for police to search someone's house legally?

A search warrant issued by a judge.


What is the term for refusing to testify against oneself in a criminal case?

Pleading the Fifth or invoking the right against self-incrimination.


What does the 6th Amendment guarantee regarding the location of your trial?

The right to a trial in the state and district where the crime was committed.


What term describes money paid to ensure a person's appearance at trial, protected under the 8th Amendment?



Police stop John for a traffic violation and want to search his car. John says no, and the officers search it anyway without a warrant or probable cause. Which amendment has likely been violated?

The 4th Amendment (protection against unreasonable searches).


What legal standard must police meet to obtain a search warrant?

Probable cause.


What is the name of the legal right that protects individuals from self-incrimination during police interrogations?

Miranda rights.


What is the term for the 6th Amendment right that allows an accused person to question witnesses against them?

The right to confront witnesses.


According to the 8th Amendment, what must not be excessive besides bail?



Maria is arrested and told by the police that she must answer all their questions immediately, even without a lawyer present. Which amendment's right is Maria being denied?

The 6th Amendment (right to counsel) and the 5th Amendment (right against self-incrimination).


What does the 4th Amendment protect you against?

Unreasonable searches and seizures.


What protection does the 5th Amendment provide to prevent someone from being tried more than once for the same crime?

Protection against double jeopardy.


What does the 6th Amendment guarantee about legal representation?

The right to have assistance of counsel (a lawyer) for defense.


What is an example of a punishment that might be deemed "cruel and unusual"?

Torture or excessively harsh penalties for minor crimes.


A judge sets bail at $1 million for a minor theft charge that typically has a maximum bail of $1,000. Which amendment could be used to argue that the bail amount is unjust?

The 8th Amendment (protection against excessive bail).


Which principle allows illegally obtained evidence to be excluded from court proceedings?

The exclusionary rule.


How does the 5th Amendment ensure fair treatment through the normal judicial system, especially as a citizen’s entitlement?

It guarantees due process of law.


Under the 6th Amendment, what must the accused be informed of when charged with a crime?

The nature and cause of the accusation.


How does the 8th Amendment impact the use of the death penalty in the U.S.?

It prohibits methods of execution considered cruel and unusual, and restricts the death penalty’s use under certain circumstances.


During a trial, the prosecution refuses to let the defendant's lawyer question a key witness who claims to have seen the crime. Which amendment's right is being violated?

The 6th Amendment (right to confront witnesses).


What is required for a stop-and-frisk search to be conducted legally?

Reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.


What legal process does the 5th Amendment require before the government can take someone's property for public use?

Eminent domain, with just compensation.


What is the significance of the right to a public trial under the 6th Amendment?

It ensures transparency and fairness by allowing the public and press to observe the proceedings.


What are the two main protections provided by the 8th Amendment?

Protection against excessive bail and fines, and protection against cruel and unusual punishment.


Sarah was tried and acquitted for a crime, but new evidence suggests she might be guilty. The state wants to try her again. Which amendment protects her from being retried?

The 5th Amendment (protection against double jeopardy).
