Guaranties the right to an attorney
What is the 6th Amendment
Took away the poll tax
What is the 24th amendment?
Before the 12th amendment the _______ was the vice president.
Who is the runner-up.
22nd Amendment limits the president to
What is two terms?
two house system of Government
What is bicameral?
Not having to allow soldiers into your home
What is the 3rd Amendment?
Poll taxes and Literacy tests were ways around
What is the 15th amendment?
Protects states from lawsuits by citizens of other states
WHat is the 11th Amendment?
Allows residents of Washington D.C. to vote for members of the House of Representatives
What is the 23rd Amendment?
Absolute power within a territory
What is sovereignty?
Right to an attorney
What is 6th Amendment?
19th Amendment grants ________ the right to vote.
What is women?
Guarantees equal protection under the law.
What is the 14th Amendment?
Congress is not allowed to give themselves a raise during current session
What is 27th Amendment?
Group who insisted on a Bill of Rights before ratifying the Constitution
Who are the Anti-Federalists?
Not having to testify against your spouse in protected under
What is the 5th Amendment?
The 15th Amendment does not allow you to prevent people from voting based on their
What is race or previous servitude?
Allows the government to collect taxes on your income
What is the 16th Amendment
Officially made the Secretary of State 2nd in line to the Presidency
What is the 25th amendment?
Life, Liberty, and property
What are natural rights?
Rights not listed in the Constitution belong to the ___
What is the people?
Cannot deny the right to vote to anyone over 18
Allows people to vote for their senators
What is the 17th Amendment?
the 20th amendment moved up the first day for Congress to
What is January 3rd?
had no executive or judicial branch
What was the Articles of Confederation?