freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly, right to petition
what is the 1st amendment
protection from unreasonable search and seizure
what is the 4th amendment
amendment that outlawed slavery
what is the 13th amendment
gave women the right to vote
what is the 19th amendment
The police come to your house and arrest your father for having a gun which he legally owns. What amendment has been violated?
2nd amendment
A police officer pulls you over for speeding. He has you step out of the car and then searches it. He has no warrant or probably cause. What amendment protects you from this?
4th amendment
this word means to testify against yourself (also tell me which amendment it belongs to)
self-incrimination, 5th
right to bear arms
what is the second amendment
protects you from having to quarter soldiers in your house
called for direct election of senators
17th amendment
amendment that made poll taxes illegal
what is the 24 amendment?
You choose to have your civil case heard by a jury. What amendment have you used?
7th amendment
a kid decides to wear an armband to school in protest of the war in Afghanistan. which amendment is he exercising?
1st amendment
what is a poll tax
you have to pay a tax to vote
protects from cruel and unusual punishment, excessive bail fines
8 amendment
right to a jury trial in civil cases
what is the 7th amendment
amendment that defines citizenship, and says everyone gets equal treatment under the law
what is the 14th amendment
amendment that says all male citizens, no matter what race, are allowed to vote
what is the 15th amendment
A person is found not guilty of armed robbery. The courts decide to try him again. What amendment does not allow this and why?
the 5th amendment, double jeopardy
a man is charged with car theft and his bail is posted at 1 million dollars. which amendment does this violate?
8th amendment
being tried for the same crime twice
double jeopardy
the three key things guaranteed in the 6th amendment
right to fair and speedy trial, right to trial by jury in criminal cases, and right to lawyer
any powers not given to the federal gov. in the constitution, are given automatically to the states/ppl
10th amendment
lowered voting age to 18
26th amendment
The government says that states can't decide to build roads in their state. What amendment has been violated?
the 10th amendment
a woman is arrested but never sees a judge. she sits in jail for 18 months. which amendment has been violated?
5th amendment
civil rights
rights guaranteed to all us citizens
people have rights other than ones listed in the constitution (even if a right isn't listed, we still have it)
what is the 9th amendment
protection against double jeopardy, protection against self-incrimination, guarantees eminent domain and grand jury trial
what is the 5th amendment
gave citizens living in dc the right to vote for president
The government says that no one in America is allowed to wear the color blue anymore. What amendment says the government cannot do this?
the 9th amendment
the governor of florida makes a law saying every resident has to house soldiers in their homes. which amendment does this violate?
3rd amendment
the government has to compensate you if they take your private property
eminent domain