
Which document established the principle of limited government in England?
 A) Magna Carta
 B) English Bill of Rights
 C) Petition of Right
 D) Declaration of Independence

A) Magna Carta
The first document to put into writing the principle that the king and his government was not above the law.


What type of legislature is composed of two chambers?

 A) Unicameral

 B) Bicameral

 C) Parliamentary

 D) Federal

 B) Bicameral


The concept that political authority comes from the people is known as:

 A) Popular sovereignty

 B) Representative government

 C) Limited government

 D) Federalism

A) Popular sovereignty


Which compromise resolved the issue of representation in Congress?

 A) Three-Fifths Compromise

 B) Connecticut Compromise

 C) Commerce Compromise

 D) Missouri Compromise

 B) Connecticut Compromise


The principle that allows citizens to express their opinions and advocate for change in government policies is known as:

A) Freedom of speech

B) Civil liberties

C) Democratic participation

A) Freedom of speech


Which document guaranteed the right to petition the monarch and affirmed that no taxes could be levied without Parliament's consent?

 A) Magna Carta

 B) English Bill of Rights

 C) Petition of Right

 D) Articles of Confederation

 C) Petition of Right


A legislature consisting of only one chamber is called:
 A) Bicameral
 B) Constitutional
 C) Unicameral
 D) Federal

C) Unicameral


The concept of "checks and balances" in the U.S. government refers to:

A) The federal budget process

B) The interaction between state and federal powers

C) The ability of each branch to limit the powers of the others

D) The establishment of the 3 branches 

C) The ability of each branch to limit the powers of the others


Which plan proposed a bicameral legislature with representation based on state population?

 A) New Jersey Plan

 B) Connecticut Compromise

 C) Virginia Plan

 D) Articles of Confederation

 C) Virginia Plan


The principle that government power should be restricted to protect individual rights is known as:

 A) Popular sovereignty

 B) Limited government

 C) Representative government

 D) Federalism

B) Limited government


The _ was the first governing document of the United States.
 A) Constitution
 B) Articles of Confederation
 C) Magna Carta
 D) Federalist Papers

 B) Articles of Confederation


A government in which people elect representatives to make laws on their behalf is called:

 A) Direct democracy

 B) Limited government

 C) Representative government

 D) Monarchism

C) Representative government


What principle maintains that individuals cannot be deprived of their basic rights without appropriate legal procedures?

A) Due process

B) Judicial review

C) Civil liberties

A) Due Process


Which plan proposed equal representation for each state in the legislature?

 A) Virginia Plan

 B) New Jersey Plan

 C) Connecticut Compromise

 D) Articles of Confederation

B) New Jersey Plan


Which principle suggests that the laws created by government must be applied equally to all individuals?

A) Due process

B) Equal protection

C) Judicial review

B) Equal protection


What term describes a formal written agreement granting or guaranteeing rights for a colony?

 A) Constitution
 B) Charter
 C) Treaty
 D) Declaration

B) Charter


Which of these was NOT a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

 A) Lack of federal taxation power

 B) Inability to regulate commerce

 C) Strong central government

 D) No executive branch

C) Strong central government


The phrase "consent of the governed" is most closely associated with:

 A) The Articles of Confederation

 B) The Declaration of Independence

 C) The Constitution

 D) The Bill of Rights

 B) The Declaration of Independence


The agreement that counted slaves as three-fifths of a person for representation and taxation purposes is known as:

 A) Three-Fifths Compromise

 B) Connecticut Compromise

 C) Commerce Compromise

 D) Missouri Compromise

A) Three-Fifths Compromise


Which principle emphasizes the importance of dividing power between the national and state governments?

A) Federalism

B) Separation of powers

C) Limited government

A) Federalism


Which document established the principle of habeas corpus and the right to a jury trial?
 A) Magna Carta
 B) English Bill of Rights
 C) Petition of Right
 D) Federalist Papers

A) Magna Carta


The Commerce Compromise in the Constitution allowed:

 A) States to regulate their own commerce independently

 B) Regulation of interstate commerce by the federal government

 C) A ban on the slave trade after 1808

 D) None of the above

B) Regulation of interstate commerce by the federal government


The debate between Federalists and Antifederalists primarily concerned:

 A) The Articles of Confederation

 B) The ratification of the Constitution

 C) The Albany Plan of Union

 D) The Bill of Rights

B) The ratification of the Constitution


Which of these was NOT a compromise made during the Constitutional Convention?

 A) The Great Compromise

 B) The Three-Fifths Compromise

 C) The Louisiana Purchase

 D) The Connecticut Compromise

C) The Louisiana Purchase


The primary purpose of the Bill of Rights was to:

A) Establish the structure of the federal government

B) Protect individual liberties from federal government infringement

C) Define the relationship between state and federal powers

B) Protect individual liberties from federal government infringement
