What is the American Dream?
The belief that anyone can achieve success through hard work
What is one challenge that can make it hard to achieve the American Dream?
Poverty, racism, job loss
What is the national sport of the United States?
When hanging a state, city, and country flag, which one must be highest?
True / False: The U.S allows dual citizenship (you can have citizenship in the U.S. and another country)
Which historical document states that "all men are created equal"?
The Declaration of Independence
What happened in 1929 that caused many Americans to lose their jobs and homes?
The Great Depression
What is the most-watched TV event in America every year?
The Superbowl
When the National Anthem is played/performed, where should everyone face? The singer, the speakers, the flag, or north
The flag
True/False: For an Austrian to study in the U.S., they would need a student visa.
What is one thing people often associate with achieving the American Dream?
A house, a good job, a family, financial success
What is it called when someone works hard but still doesn’t make enough money to live comfortably?
The working poor
What is Black Friday, and how does it relate to the American Dream?
A major shopping day after Thanksgiving; it symbolizes consumerism.
Public schools must start their day by reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.
Fill in the blanks with the right prepositions:
I pledge allegiance ____ the flag of the United States of America and to the republic ____ which it stands, one nation, indivisible, under God, with liberty and justice for all.
I pledge allegiance __to__ the flag of the United States of America and to the republic _for___ which it stands, one nation, indivisible, under God, with liberty and justice for all.
True / False: There are more immigrants per capita (by population) in the U.S. than Austria.
False. Immigrants make up 14% of the American population, 16% of the Austrian population.
What city is known as the "Land of Opportunity" because of its history of immigration and business success?
New York City
What is the term used to describe the gap between the rich and the poor in the U.S. that makes it harder for some people to achieve the American Dream?
Income inequality or wealth gap
What does "white picket fence" symbolize in American culture?
A traditional, idealized middle-class life.
Which of these is allowed under U.S. Flag Code with an American flag? (one answer)
Flying a ripped flag
Letting it touch the ground
Burning it
Wearing it on clothing
Wearing it on clothing
How long does an immigrant need to have been a citizen before they can run for congress?
2 years
7 years
14 years
20 years
7 years
Name one famous American who achieved success through hard work
Pedro Pescal
Name one event in history, especially in the last decade, that made it harder for people to achieve the American Dream.
The COVID-19 pandemic (which caused mass unemployment, financial instability, and health crises), the 2008 financial crisis (which caused a major recession and economic inequality), or the rise in student debt (which has made it harder for young people to achieve financial independence)
What is the American national anthem called?
The Star-Spangled Banner
The “PATRIOT Act” is a law which stands for…
Putting American Traditions Rightfully In Our Troops
Performing American Trials Required In Occupational Treaties
Patent And Tax Revenue Interrogation Organization Type
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism
Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism
In the U.S., immigrants can be deported (sent home) for all of the following except what?
Drug trafficking
Overstaying their visa
Traffic violation (i.e. speeding or missing a stop sign)
Not telling US Customs and Immigration that your address changed
Traffic violation (i.e. speeding or missing a stop sign)