Where the Taiping Rebellion happened.
What is China?
What is 1791 to 1804?
Simon Bolivar's full name. (Extra 100 points for every middle/last name guessed right, there's 9.)
Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar Palacios Ponte y Blanco.
Marie Antoinette's royal position?
What is the Queen of France?
Estimated deaths from the Taiping Rebellion.
What is 20 to 30 million?
The Haitian Revolution's immediate aftermath.
What is making Haiti the first black-led republic?
The title he earned after his battles.
The Liberator.
When Marie Antoinette was executed.
When is 1793?
The majority of Chinese society at the time was living in _____.
The 4 main groups of the social structure of pre-revolution Haiti.
What are wealthy whites, poor whites, free blacks, and the enslaved?
This country is named after him. (Not allowed to leave the question to check his name again.)
Where Marie Antoinette was born.
What is Vienna, Austria?
When the Taiping Rebellion happened.
The revolution the Haitian Revolution was inspired from.
What was the French Revolution?
Simon Bolivar's mentor.
Who is Simon Rodriguez?
How old Marie Antoinette was when she arrived in France.
Reasons behind the Taiping Rebellion.
What are ethnic conflicts and social tensions?
Where the Haitian Revolution emerged. (Bonus points if the old name is used.)
What is Haiti (Saint-Domingue)?
Where Simon Bolivar was from.
What is Caracas, Venezuela?
Marie Antoinette's nickname she gained from excessive spending.
Who is Madame Deficit?